




“Asprosin is a recently discovered fasting-induced hormone that promotes hepatic glucose production. Here we demonstrate that asprosin in the circulation crosses the blood–brain barrier and directly activates orexigenic AgRP+ neurons via a cAMP-dependent pathway. This signaling results in inhibition of downstream anorexigenic proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-positive neurons in a GABA-dependent manner, which then leads to appetite stimulation and a drive to accumulate adiposity and body weight.”——Nature Medicine



“we found that immunological neutralization of asprosin reduced baseline AgRP+ neuron activity and resulted in a reduction in daily food intake. We extended those findings to obesity by demonstrating that chronic immunologic neutralization of asprosin in two independent mouse models of obesity (HFD-induced obesity and Leprdb/db mutation) resulted in a reduction in daily food intake along with a reduction in body weight. Of note, the absence of leptin signaling in the setting of the Leprdb/db mutation did not affect the result, suggesting distinct mechanisms of action for asprosin and leptin in AgRP+ and POMC+ neurons.”——Nature



“We placed Fbn1NPS/+ mice and WT littermate controls on a HFD for 3 months and found a widening difference in body weight and fat mass between the two groups. On normal chow, the body weight curves of Fbn1NPS/+ mice were already markedly different from those of WT mice at weaning age (3 weeks old), culminating in a 10-g weight difference between the groups at 10 weeks of age. We exposed mice to severe diabetogenic and obesogenic stress (HFD for 6 months; 60% calories from fat) and found that, as compared with WT mice, Fbn1NPS/+ mice were completely protected from both obesity and diabetes (Supplementary Fig. 1c–e).”


“Sandwich ELISA was used to measure plasma asprosin levels in male WT mice that had been subjected to a high-fat diet (60% of calories from fat) or normal chow for 12 weeks and from 5-week-old male Ob/+ or Ob/Ob mice upon 2 hr of fasting for synchronization (n = 5 mice in each group).”


不過有意思的是,換成了高脂飲食後,這些小鼠對白素的應答竟然恢復了部分,看來,高脂飲食(High-fat diet)厲害啊,還可以在食慾激素受限的情況下,激活別的神經元去產生食慾呢。也就是說,高脂飲食可以避開外周激素的影響,不管白素是否分泌,既不會在激素分泌過少的時候減少食慾,也不會在食慾增加時引發糖尿病和肥胖,可以說是相當環保地讓身體維持在一個健康穩定的狀態。

“Similar to that seen in the human disorder, within the context of thinness, Fbn1NPS/+ mice displayed hypophagia along with a likely compensator y reduction in energy expenditure. Energy expenditure was also assessed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to avoid the confounding effects of preexisting low body weight and lean mass in Fbn1NPS/+ mice, allowing for adjustment of the covariates.”



[1] Asprosin is a centrally acting orexigenic hormone. Nature Medicine ( IF 29.886 ) 2017,11


[2] Asprosin, a fasting-induced glucogenic protein hormone[J]. Cell, 2016, 165(3): 566-579.


[3] Ghrelin Enhances Appetite and Increases Food Intake in Humans. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,2001,86(10)
