吾即建築丨Rêver.玥 法式餐廳

Rêver,法語裡的「夢」,亦與英語中的River形近;玥,與「粵」同音;看似簡單的名字,包含了餐廳團隊的夢想:在廣州,以一傢俱國際標準的高品質現代法式餐廳,向孕育了無數優質食材與經典名菜的珠江致敬。現代法國菜,建基於傳統法國菜的骨幹,加入各式菜系的創新烹飪技術,結合不同地域的優質食材,由廚師個人的想象和創造力,對其進行全新演繹的菜系。對於Rêver來說,創作的靈感原源自這裡的風土 – 廣東。

Rêver, which means “dream” in French, resembles the word “River” in spelling, while its Chinese name, 玥means a sacred pearl in the sky from Chinese myths; pronounced similarly to Chinese word, 粵, an abbreviation for Canton, also known as Guangzhou. The seemingly simple name embodies the dream of Rêver’s team: paying tribute to the celebrated Pearl River of South China, which over the millennia has nurtured a vast range of superb ingredients, and inspired the exquisitely delicate Canton cuisine, with the first premium Modern French restaurant in Guangzhou that meets international standards. Evolved from French culinary tradition while taking on cooking skills and ingredients from innovative techniques and origins across world, modern French cuisine is a completely new gastronomic style that is interpreted by each chef’s own imagination. To Rêver, the inspiration is all about its terroir (the environment), “Canton”.



All-Dimensional perspective over the Pearl River






Perfectly set on the south bank of the Pearl River, Rêver is a mere stone‘s throw from the lively Tianhe District, and overlooks the most dynamic view in the city. Featuring a modern, fashionable and minimal interior, the restaurant is full of cozy details that are designed to echo with its inspiration, the Pearl River. The arrangement of seating at different levels, like terraced fields along the river allows all guests to enjoy a 180-degree view over the river and the truly vibrant Guangzhou skyline. The color palette of the restaurant is inspired by the river’s changing shades of color during the course of a day, creating a tranquil and soothing ambiance, while the white marble floor forms a natural pattern that resembles the movement of water in the river. In addition, the reflection on the ceiling translates into a river that connects with the sky, creating an intriguing echo with the Tianhe (sky river) district just outside the window. Furniture, is in pair with the space by using simple frame of bent beechwood with hints of restaurant color, aligning with the interior design and maximizing the visual experience toward the space and view.




A “Museum” to Appreciate Cuisine as Art




Rêver視每一道菜餚都是一件多感觀的藝術品,包括視覺 – 擺盤的藝術、味覺 – 不同食材結合成豐富的變化、嗅覺 – 令人食指大動的香味、以及觸覺 – 食材的質感與層次。餐廳設計更以博物館的體驗為靈感,希望通過以這些「藝術品」與顧客互動、交流,力求打造令人難忘的體驗。

Rêver believes that every dish is a unique piece of multi-sensual culinary art, through sight – the exquisite plating, taste – the combination of flavors, smell – the mouth-watering scent of food, and touch – the texture of every single ingredient. To curate an exceptional dining experience, the design is deeply inspired by the guided tours so popular in major museums and art galleries, and expects use these “art pieces” to interact and communicate with guests, allowing them to see beyond the dishes, and create a truly unforgettable experience.



Featuring an open kitchen, which the restaurant regards as an “Atelier”, Rêver allows guests to witness the creation of “art pieces”, with the service team acting as tour guides, sharing the stories behind each mouthwatering masterpiece as well as the story behind the selection and matching of ingredients. Guests may even have the opportunity of a chef-led kitchen visit, to exchange their experience of appreciating these works of art. The stories will also be shared on the restaurant’s website and social media platforms as an exchange of ideas with food lovers all around the world.








項目設計 & 完成年份:2020






品牌:Tom Dixon 燈具,Louis Poulsen 燈具,Wiener GTV Design 傢俱,Duravit 潔具, Parallel


Project information——

Project name: Rêver.玥

Design: Wuji Studio

Design year & Completion Year: 2020

Leader designer & Team: Patrick Wu

Project location: 5/F, North Tower, Guangzhou Media Centre, No.370 Yuejiang Rd West, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China

Gross Built Area (square meters): 700sqm

Photo credits: Patrick Wu、Teng Ma

Clients: Heuie Cuiscene(Guangzhou)co.Ltd

Brands / Products used in the projrct: Tom Dixon, Louis Poulsen, Wiener GTV Design, Duravit, Parallel