



語法知識不是科學知識,不像數學、物理那樣,規則非常精確,語法規則很少沒有例外。英語是複數語言,但複數的構成形形色色,比如:one person, two persons; 但one man, two men 或者 one leg, two legs; 但one foot, two feet,而有one sheep, two sheep…因此,英語不能就像學數學那樣推理,為每句話找個語法根據。一個好的學習英語的方法是:大量的語言接觸,再加上語法幫助。



Your example of “what is faith” is very interesting. I thought about it quite a bit. I think, in fact, that what you described is very much how many people, including many “Christians” treat God…like something to be used when something goes wrong. Many people seek God, seek Jesus Christ, when they are confronted with a tragedy, something beyond what they can bear. And often God answers these cries for help. But after such prayers are answered, it seems to me that there are different responses. One reaction is to reach for the support of the handrail (God; Jesus Christ) only until the bus (our life) is moving along smoothly again….then let go and depend on one’s own efforts again. People who pray this way and get an answer to their prayer then explain the answer to their prayers …as “coincidence” …or in some other way that denies God. This is what happened in America after 9/11…many people cried out to God, but several months later, after everything had settled down, were again living their lives without God. This isn’t the real Faith that Jesus Christ talked about.

quite a bit,表示多,Karen喜歡用這個短語。

confronted with a tragedy,面對災難。

it seems to me that...,這樣的短語句型很地道,比較委婉。

