



以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)近期刊登的一篇评论,配有中文翻译。

China is a great place to eat affordable delicious meals

Two passions that the majority of people share are traveling and eating, so when you have to talk about these two things together, you have to do it seriously. Jokes aside, traveling abroad is very nice but when it is time for lunch or dinner, for many people it can be stressful to find a place to eat because they are scared to spend too much in a currency that they are not used to.

旅行和吃美食是人生两大乐事,所以当你聊到它们时,你必须严肃认真!开玩笑啦~ 出国旅游是很不错的体验,但当到饭点时,很多人就开始焦虑了:怎样吃比较实惠呢?

Recently, technology meets our needs with various applications for smartphones one which is TripAdvisor but sometimes we sadly realize that the perfect restaurant for our tastes is on the opposite side of the city and at the end we have to choose another place. Here in China is different, when I visit big cities, small villages or tourist places, I never have to think about what or where to eat and I can forget all my apps.


Getting paid to prepare food would seem to be one of the oldest jobs in the world, so catering has evolved in many ways over the centuries. When we think of restaurants we generally mean what in China are called canting, the price ranges are from medium to high, we are served by waiters and the environment can be quiet and clean and elegant and refined.


However, by visiting other cities, we often remain fascinated by the small stands who offer street food. With these quick snacks you can immediately get in touch with the food culture of the country you are visiting and you can have an idea of the flavors of local cuisine. How can you resist enjoying a falafel in the Middle East, a taco in Mexico or a kaoyangrouchuan, barbecued mutton skewer, in China?


However, in everyday life, it happens that we need to eat a complete meal but with a limited time, either because its during lunch time of a working day or because we want to save time to visit the city we have chosen, so neither restaurants nor street food are the solution. For this purpose in Europe we have snack bars, which have sandwiches, salads or even pre-cooked dishes to be heated.


Normally these places are narrow, not comfortable and the price is too high compared to the quality which is generally low. These situations China are different and better because the small restaurants called xiaofanguan have no equal in Europe. The environment can be small, sometimes even dirty, but the food is always great, freshly prepared and always delicious.

那些地方通常很狭窄,待在里面不舒服,而且性价比很低。但这种情况在中国就不会出现,因为有一种餐厅叫“小饭馆”~ 里面空间可能会很小,有一些还会比较不卫生,但饭菜永远都是现做现卖,而且味道极佳!

You can eat dumplings for breakfast, fried noodles for lunch and a mushroom soup for dinner so they are suitable at any time of the day. The first time I tried these small restaurants I must admit that I was a bit skeptical but now I love them and I noticed how much the Chinese love them too, I still remember how I was surprised to see seven of these restaurants in a row on a street in Nanjing.


Thanks to these small shops, it is very pleasant to visit China, even in the most touristic places you can always find good food at great prices. This is not possible in Europe; eating in a restaurant under the Eiffel Tower in Paris or in San Marco Square in Venice or looking at the beautiful sea of Santorini in Greece can be an unforgettable experience both from the point of view of the landscape and from the point of view of the bill.


In China it is different, without worries you can eat watching the Zhongyuan Buddha in Lushan county of Central China's Henan Province or under the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province or even next to the Great Wall. Since the world has become more international, even restaurants have left their countries. The first Chinese restaurant in the US was opened around 1850 in California.


Going out of China, the food has had to adapt and mix with the different tastes of the new countries so in those who are called Chinese restaurants in the Western world it is possible to find dishes that don't exist in the mother country, like Geneal Tso's chicken in the United States or the Cantonese style fried rice in Europe that has never been seen in South China's Guangdong Province. I hope that one day we Westerners will appreciate the original and delicious food of China.



原文:Davide D’Ambrosi

翻译:Zhou Xinyu

图:Chen Xia、网络






