


1. open the book打開書

2. open the door打開門

3. open the window打開窗戶

4. close the book合上書

5. close the door關上門

6. close the window關上窗戶

7.come in進來

8. get up (wake up)起床\醒來

9. go to bed上床睡覺

10. go home回家

11. go fish釣魚

12. go shopping購物

13. go up the stairs上樓梯

14. go for a walk去散步

15. go slowly (walk slowly) 走得慢

16.go quickly (walk quickly) 走得快

17. go on a trip (go on trips)去旅行

18. go to school去上學

19. go swimming去游泳

20. go outside出去

21. go inside進去

22. grow into a man長大成人

23. wacth TV看電視

24. wacth a movie看電影

25. talk on the phone打電話

26. play the guitar彈吉他

27. play the piano彈鋼琴

28. play cards玩牌

29. play ping-pong打乒乓球

30. play basketball打籃球


31. play badminton打羽毛球

32. play checkers下棋

33. play with toys玩玩具

34. play with dolls玩洋娃娃

35.play a game (play games)玩遊戲

36. play sports做運動

37. play on the computer玩電腦

38. work on the computer用電腦工作

39. sing songs (sing a song)唱歌

40. fly kites (fly a kite) 放風箏

41. write a story寫故事

42. good night晚安

43. listen to the radio 聽收音機

44. draw a picture畫畫

45. drive a car駕駛小汽車

46. ride a bicycle騎自行車

47. stay home呆在家裡

48. turn left向左轉

49. turn right向右轉

50. go straight直行

51. traffic light交通燈

52. walk forward朝前走

53. walk backward向後走

54. turn around轉身

55. far… from離……很遠

56. read a book (read books)讀書

57. read the newspaper 讀報紙

58. get to work 開始上課/幹活

59. work hard at 努力學習/鑽研……

60. do one’s homework 做家庭作業


61. by car坐小汽車

62. by plane (take a plane) 坐飛機

63. by train (take a train)坐火車

64. by bus (take a bus) 乘公共汽車

65. take a cab乘出租車

66.take a picture

(take pictures)照相/拍照

67. take a bath洗盆浴

68. take a shower洗淋浴

69. New Year’s Day新年

70. Spring Festival春節

71. International Workers’Day 國際勞動節

72. Children’s Day兒童節

73. Teachers’ Day教師節

74. National Day國慶節

75. buy clothes買衣服

76. buy a gift (buy gifts) 買禮物

77. sit down坐下

78. stand up起立

79. have supper (eat supper) 吃晚飯

80. have a good trip旅途愉快

81.have fun (have a good time)玩得開心(愉快)

82. on the train在火車上

83. train station火車站

84. a pair of pants一條褲子

85. a pair of shoes/skates一雙鞋/冰鞋

86. a pair of socks一雙襪子

87. a pair of runners 一雙運動鞋

88. a cup of tea一杯茶

89. a glass of milk一杯牛奶

90. look out of the window 朝窗外看


91. too … to太……以致不能

92. write a letter寫信

93. write a postcard寫明信片

94. write an e-mail 寫電子郵件

95. send an e-mail 發電子郵件

96. send a card寄卡片

97. on the left在左邊

98. on the right在右邊

99. in the top, right corner 在右上角

100. in the top, left corner 在左上角

101. over there那邊

102. capital city首都

103. Wangfujing Street王府井大街

104. Tian’anmen Square 天安門廣場

105. the Palace Museum 故宮

106. at the airport在機場

107. go to the park去公園

108. make snowmen堆雪人

109. make breakfast做早餐

110. make supper做晚餐

111. make lunch做午餐

112. wash the dishes洗盤子

113. dry the dishes擦盤子

114. bus driver公共汽車司機

115. bus stop公共汽車站

116. school bus校車

117. come on過來

118. speak English說英語

119. speak Chinese說漢語

120. flowers bloom開花

