
前段时间,外国Quora问答网站贴出一个问题:为什么我忍不住把中国人和假冒商品联系在一起?(Why can’t I stop associating photos of Chinese people with low quality or fake stuff?),引起了国外网友热议,让我们看看他们是怎么说的。



Todd Gardiner, I do event photography, weddings photography and documentary work. You can see my photos here:

Answered Aug 6

The iPhone is made in China. So are the highest quality drones, made by DJI. And Chinese transportation infrastructure is world class. Those trains run on time.

You are forming your biases off of an incomplete view of the world. Yes, cheap crap gets made. Same is true in the U.S. too. But you shouldn’t form a bias that covers entire populations based on limited facts like this.





Kevin Yu

Answered Aug 6

IDK lol. I think it’s because, 90% of cheap products are made in China. However, 90% of stuff, is also made in China. The statistic isn’t exactly accurate, but you get it. So many things are made in china, but you only notice the bad quality ones, which is why Chinese stuff is associated with bad quality. Chinese people can make good quality stuff. I think Apple tablets are well made. Thinkpads, which are known for their sturdiness and reliability, are also chinese. But most of all, my friend has been considering to buy a Cadillac CT6 Hybrid, and that car is made in China.

Yes, A Cadillac, pure American luxury car, made in China.And I love it.

4.2k Views · 42 Upvotes




Lydia Alexander Moon

Answered Aug 10

Do some research. Check out stuff from China on Ebay.I have gotten lots and lots of stuff directly from China and let me tell you, you would really be surprised at the quality of all kinds of items coming from there. That’s not to say there isn’t inferior stuff from China, but just remember-you can find junky stuff (and good stuff) made anywhere in the world, even here in the United States. Anyway, Chinese people are just exactly like every one else in the world and you need to find out why you have this association in the first place. Good luck to you.

2.5k Views · 14 Upvotes





Graham Crumb, Media director, photographer

Answered Aug 6

You should go to China. Seeing the place will change your perspective quickly. For all its faults—and they are many—China is growing and becoming more prosperous at an astonishing rate. Go to any city, and you’ll find shopping centres that are nicer in almost every way than the average American mall.



You’ll also find old and new renditions of timeless artistic and cultural traditions.


You’ll also find people living and working as they have over centuries, still trying to keep a link between the old China and the new.


And in the midst of it all, yeah, a fair amount of tacky, run of the mill consumer stuff, just like anywhere else in the world.


The Chinese, like any of us, are mostly just people trying to make their way in the world. They just want a simple, comfortable life without undue stress and with the opportunity to feel good from time to time.

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