英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

作者:Jeanne Willis · Mary Rees



英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

What do you want to be,Brian?


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"He wants to be the greatest violinist since Yehudi Menuhin,"said his mother.


"Do I ?"said Brian.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"You do,"said his mother, and she bought him a violin and made him practise for two hours every day.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

Brian tried,but the strings kept snapping and he would keep sticking his bow where he shouldn't.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"He doesn't want to be a violinist,"said his father,"he wants to be a computer wizard,like me,don't you,son?"


"Well..."said Brian.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"Of course you do!"said his father",I've spent an absolute mint on this new computer."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

Brian did his best,but the instructions went in one ear and straight out of the other.


Then the wretched thing blew up.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"He doesn't want to be a computer wizard,"said his sister,"he wants to be the most famous ballet dancer since Nureyev."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"I..."said Brian.


"Shut up and put these tights on,"said his sister.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

Brain really tried,but he kept dropping the ballerinas.


And he accidentally kicked the pianist off her stool.


And he snagged his tights.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"I'm telling you,he wants to be a boxer,"said Brain's brother.


"He wants to be the heavyweight champion of the world."


"Come on,Brian!Put your mitts up."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

But Brian preferred his nose the way it was.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"That lad wants to be the best jockey since Lester Piggott,"said his uncle."You want to get him a horse."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"I wouldn't bet on it,"said Brian.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"Horse?"snorted his aunt.


"What good is a horse when it's quite plain to me he wants to be an artist,like Van Gogh."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"He wants to be an admiral,"said the vet,"like Nelson."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"He wants to be a politician!"said the man who sells funny little brushes door to door.


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"STOP!"shouted Brian,"I want to be...I want to be..."


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

...I want tobe ...


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"Well what doyou want to be,Brian?"


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

"I want to be the most ordinary little boy in the world,"said Brian.


And guess what?


英文绘本故事:What do you want to be,Brian

He was brilliant at it.


