转发红星老师的优秀专栏 经典阅读-How to teach English 13

第13章:如果呢?(what if?)

转发红星老师的优秀专栏 经典阅读-How to teach English 13


转发红星老师的优秀专栏 经典阅读-How to teach English 13

转发红星老师的优秀专栏 经典阅读-How to teach English 13


■13-1:如果学生语言水平不同怎么办?(what if students are all at different levels?)

◆13-1-1:使用不同的学习材料(use different materials;)

【1】→将学生分成不同的学习小组(form different groups;)

【2】→提供自学设施和自学任务(self-study facilities,providing self-study task;)

【3】→针对不同学生,设计不同的学习活动(different students,different activities;)

◆13-1-2:用相同材料完成不同的学习任务(do different tasks with the same material;)

【1】→阅读:设计三种不同水平(简单、中等、难)的问题(reading:questions at three different levels;)

【2】→语言学习:简单重复型任务VS应用新语言型任务(language study:simple repetition VS using new language;)

【3】→角色扮演:为每一个学生设计合适的角色(role-plays:appropriate roles for every student;)

◆13-1-3:可以直接忽略此问题(ignore the problem;)

【1】→在一个异质化的小组内,学生将会发现自己的语言水平(within a heterogeneous group,students will find their own level;)

【2】→危险:学生要么厌倦于同伴缓慢的学习进度,要么对自己跟不上进度而深感沮丧(danger:students will either be bored by the slowness of colleagues or frustrated by their ability to keep up;)

◆13-1-4:善用学生(use the students;)

【1】→同伴互助互教策略(a strategy of peer help and teaching;)

【2】→注意:学生或者被学霸同学疏远,或者因为义务的教师角色而倍感压抑(attention:students get alienated by their over-knowledgeable peers or oppressed by their obligatory teaching role;)


■13-2:如果班额太大怎么办?(what if the class is very big?)

◆13-2-1:使用活页练习题(use worksheets;)

◆13-2-2:结对练习和小组练习(use pairwork and groupwork;)

【1】→最大限度增加学生学习参与度(being able to maximize student participation;)

【2】→务必让教学指令清楚(make instructions clear;)

【3】→提供良好的反应活动(give good reaction;)

◆13-2-3:使用集体反应活动(use chorus reaction)

【1】→班级分成大组,每组学生念一部分(class being divided into two halves,each can speak a part;)

【2】→此策略在较低年纪比较有用(useful at lower levels;)

◆13-2-4:使用小组长(use group leader;)

【1】→帮助老师分发、检查、收集作业和反馈(hand out,check,collect work and give feedback;)

◆13-2-5:考虑视觉和音响效果(think about vision and acoustic;)

◆13-2-6:将学生小组人数调整至最佳(use the size of the group to your advantage;)


■13-3:如果学生不断使用母语怎么办?(what if students keep using their own language?)

◆13-3-1:和学生谈谈这个问题(talk to them about the issues;)

◆13-3-2:鼓励学生适当地使用英语(encourage them to use English appropriately;)

◆13-3-3:课堂上,教师可只对英语最初回应(only respond to English use;)

◆13-3-4:创造英语使用的氛围(create an English environment;)

◆13-3-5:不断提醒学生(keep reminding them;)

【1】→鼓励,软硬兼施,让学生使用英语(encouraging,cajoling,pleading with students to use English;)

【2】→如有必要,提供帮助(offering help if necessary;)


■13-4:如果学生不合作怎么办?(what if students are uncooperative?)

◆13-4-1:缺乏合作:不断说话;不听讲;作业未完成;直接拒绝参与活动;经常迟到;粗鲁无礼(lack of cooperation:constant chattering,not listening to teacher;failure to do homework;blunt refusal to do activities;constant lateness;rudeness;)

◆13-4-2:单独谈话(talk to individuals;)

◆13-4-3:单独书面沟通(write to individuals;)

◆13-4-4:尝试使用活动(use activities;)

◆13-4-5:寻求帮助(enlist help;)

【1】→和同事谈话;让朋友观察课堂(talk to colleagues;get a friend to observe class;)

◆13-4-6:制定语言学习合约(make a language-learning contract;)


■13-5:如果学生上课不发言怎么办?(what if students don’t want to talk?)


【1】→学生个性使然(students’ own characters;)

【2】→其他学生主导活动(other students dominating;)

【3】→学生不习惯自由发言(being not used to talking freely;)

◆13-5-2:使用结对活动(use pairwork;)

【1】→激发安静的学生开始发言(provoking quiet students into talking;)

【2】→保证学生未承受过多压力(not under much pressure;)

◆13-5-3:让学生在最初时以可控的方式发言(allow them to speak in a controlled way at first;)

【1】→让学生在发言之前将发言内容写下来(let students write down what they are going to say before they say it;)

◆13-5-4:表演和朗读(use‘acting out’and reading aloud;)

【1】→可鼓励安静的学生(encouraging quiet students;)

◆13-5-5:角色扮演活动(use role-play;)

◆13-5-6:使用录音机(use the tape recorder;)

【1】→课外,学生可将想说的内容录下来(students record what they would like to say,outside the lesson;)

【2】→可避免学生犯错引起的尴尬(avoiding embarrassment of making mistakes;)


■13-6:如果学生听不懂磁带内容怎么办?(what if students don’t understand the listening tape?)

◆13-6-1:先行介绍谈话的问题(introduce interview questions;)

【1】→给出问题(give questions;)

【2】→分角色表演谈话(role-play interview;)

【3】→此方式具有极强的预测力(have great predictive power;)

◆13-6-2:使用拼图式听力(use‘jigsaw listening’;)

◆13-6-3:一次一个任务(one task only;)

【1】→设计简单直接的任务,无需太多细节性理解(a straightforward task which does not demand too much detailed understanding;)

【2】→实例:让学生描述录音中讲话者的性别、年龄和身份地位(example:get students to describe speaker on tape:sex,age,status;)

◆13-6-4:只播放第一节(play a/the first segment only;)

【1】→ 让学生预测紧接着发生的事情(let students predict what’s coming next;)

◆13-6-5:使用录音文本-1(use the tapescript(1);)

【1】→将录音文本分割成小块(cut into bits;)

【2】→按照正确顺序排序(put in right order;)

◆13-6-6:使用录音文本-2(use the tapescript(2);)

【1】→学生先看第一节的录音文本(students look at the tapescript of first segment;)

【2】→以此给学生自信(giving confidence;)

◆13-6-7:使用录音文本-3(use the tapescript(3);)

【1】→学生可在听前、听中、听后阅读录音文本(students read tapescript before,during and after listening;)

【2】→可将文本中的词语留空(also have words or phrases blanked out;)

◆13-6-8:使用词汇预测(use vocabulary prediction;)

【1】→听前向学生呈现关键词汇(giving key vocabulary before listening;)

【2】→预测录音的内容(predict what the tape will be about;)


■13-7:如果学生提前完成任务怎么办?(what if some students-in-groups finish before everybody else?)

◆13-7-1:若一组先完成,教师可提供额外的活动材料(one group finishes first,teacher can provide with spare activity material;)

◆13-7-2:若一组未按时完成,教师可中断其活动(one group is left without having finished,teacher may stop activity;)


【1】→有额外的备选活动(carry around a selection of spare activities;)

【2】→对初始任务进行拓展(plan extensions to original task;)


