应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidem


Some historical records, along with cultural relics unearthed from the Nanyue King’s tomb in Guangzhou showed that Cantonese people might have already had some knowledge of epidemics in ancient times.

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?


During the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), when epidemics were rampant, people resorted to witchcraft or offered sacrifices to deities hoping to ward off evil spirits. Yue people, who lived in the south of the Five Ridges, also known as Lingnan region, did the same thousands of years ago.


应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?



Ancestors in Lingnan region often sacrificed boiled chickens in a special religious ceremony to tell good or ill luck. They took out the eye bones of the chicken and looked at the holes and cracks on the bones. If the holes and cracks resembled a figure, something auspicious was assumed to happen. If not, something ominous might happen instead.


Such kind of fortunetelling was prevalent in Lingnan region, and was thought to help avoid illness by Yue people. Later in the Han Dynasty(202BC—220AD), the practice even was promoted throughout the country by emperors. Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty gave orders to build ancestral halls across the country to hold sacrificial activities, according to the famous account of historiographer Sima Qian in Records of the Grand Historian (《史记》).

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?



In addition to chickens, many other tools and instruments, such as lacquered rods and ivory-made rods, were used to tell fortune as well. Some tortoise shells with inscriptions were found in the main coffin chamber of the Nanyue King in Guangzhou, and it is believed that they were used as instruments for augury.


应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?


In olden times, people in southern China were extremely superstitious and believed that diseases were caused by some supernatural forces, so they tried to cure themselves by seeking help from their ancestors or spirits via mysterious means.


应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?


Later, the Qin Dynasty(221-206BC)united China and made Lingnan its territory, bringing to the region a more advanced civilization and better medical skills from central China. Some remains of Chinese herbal medicines were unearthed from the Nanyue King’s tomb, proving that traditional Chinese medical skills were widely used in Lingnan about 2,000 years ago, which might have helped prevent epidemics in a way.

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?



Emperors of Qin and Han dynasties were addicted to the pursuit of immortality. The thought was hinted at some cultural relics unearthed from the Nanyue King’s tomb. Take the medicinal stones in five colors as an example. In a chemical analysis, the stones were found to contain turquoise, ochre, amethyst, red orpiment and sulfur, which were likely to have been used as alchemy materials.

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?

And the Jade Drinking Cup for Collecting Sweet Dew found in the tomb, was made of five materials: gold, silver, jade, bronze and wood. It’s believed that the king used it to collect dew, which he drank with the "magical" elixir of life.


A good diet may not be the best way to keep diseases away, but still a practical one. Nanyue kings might have had been aware of that. The tomb also housed a variety of containers of different sizes, filled with cattle, pork, chicken, fish and other meat.

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?


On a painted bronze mirror, there was a picture of two men practicing the sport of fencing, and a few people were watching nearby. Fencing was a popular sport among upper class during the Western Han Dynasty.

应对疫情,南越人有妙招?How did ancient Cantonese avoid epidemics?


We may not be able to tell whether the Nanyue King was good at fencing, but for sure, he had a martial spirit and might have exercised his body through fencing, as different kinds of swords were discovered in his tomb.


