选防晒霜看 SPF 就够了吗?

When you go to buy sunscreen, you might look for one thing: SPF.


It stands for sun protection factor, and based on that name, it seems like it should tell you how well you'll be protected from the sun.


Except… that's not totally true.


Because while SPF might sound like a perfect, rational scientific unit, there are a lot of flaws in the way it's named and the way it's tested.


So if you want to be as protected from the sun as possible, you're going to have to know a lot more than that one number.


First, as a disclaimer, it's worth noting that countries approach sunscreen regulations differently.


This episode is a good general overview, but keep in mind that things might be different where you live.


Okay, that being said, onward.


Essentially, SPF measures how much radiation is blocked from reaching your skin.

实际上,SPF 衡量的是被阻隔在你皮肤外的辐射量。

So if it's SPF 30, it will protect you against thirty times more exposure than if you didn't wear sunscreen.

如果 SPF 为 30,那么与你不涂防晒霜时相比,涂防晒霜能阻挡 30 倍的辐射。

That translates to roughly 97% protection, and it explains why anything higher than SPF 30 isn't that much more effective.

这就表示防晒霜大约能起 97%的防晒作用,这就解释了为什么任何 SPF 值高于三十的防晒霜没有更明显的效果。

SPF 50, for example, blocks fifty times the radiation, or 98% of it.

再比如说 SPF 是 50 的话,可以阻挡 50 倍的辐射,或者是 98%的辐射。

Which isn't that different.


Still, regardless of what that number says, SPF only tells you how protected you'll be from a specific type of radiation.

但是,不管 SPF 值是多少,它只能告诉你能免受多少特定类型的辐射。

The rating you see on sunscreen bottles is only required to show protection against UVB rays, the type of radiation that causes sunburns and leads to skin cancer.

你在防晒霜上看到的数值只显示了对 UVB 射线的防护效果,这种辐射会导致晒伤甚至引发皮肤癌。

It doesn't have to show protection against UVA radiation, which causes wrinkles, premature skin aging, and again, skin cancer.

但是不代表能够预防可以导致皮肤老化、皱纹、引发皮肤癌的 UNA 射线。

So even if you're using SPF one thousand, that doesn't mean you're protected against UVA.

因此,即使你用了 SPF1000 的防晒霜,也并不意味着能阻隔 UVA 的辐射。

If you want to avoid both kinds of rays, you'll need to look for broad-spectrum sunscreen.


Another thing worth knowing about SPF is that the way it's tested isn't bulletproof.

你应该知道另外一件关于 SPF 的事情是它的测试方式并不是完美的。

To figure out how much UVB something blocks, you'd think scientists would use some sort of skin-like compound in a Petri dish.

为了算出有多少 UVB 会被阻挡,你可能认为科学家会在培养皿中用一些类似于皮肤的化合物。

Like, just shine some light on this stuff, and see how much radiation gets through.


But while that is how they test broad-spectrum sunscreen, it isn't how they test SPF.

但这是他们测试光谱防晒霜的方法,而不是测试 SPF 的方法。

To get an SPF rating, researchers use volunteers.

研究人员通过志愿者测试来得到 SPF 的数值。

First, they shine a UV lamp on one spot on participants' bare backs to get a baseline for their tendency to burn.


Then, a lab tech applies a gob of sunscreen to a different spot and allows it to dry.


Finally, the tech turns the UV light back on, and sees how much longer the participants last before turning red again.


If they burned in four minutes unprotected, but 60 minutes with sunscreen, that earns an SPF fifteen rating.

志愿者在没涂防晒霜时,四分钟就会晒伤,但是涂了防晒霜之后,可以坚持 60 分钟,那么得到的 SPF 值为 15。

And if this process seems sketchy and full of issues… yes.


Yes, it does.


For one, people turn red at different amounts of exposure.


So if you used a bunch of pale people in one study and a bunch of people with darker skin in another, you'd get totally different results.


Then there's the amount of sunscreen used in these tests.


While there's tons of variability between testers, protocol calls for no less than two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin and that's significantly more than people tend to use in real life.


In one study, it was more than twice the amount.


Ultimately, these tests just aren't representative of what happens in the real world.


They don't take into account things like skin color, or how much sunscreen people actually use.


So when you're buying this stuff, it's probably worth keeping those things in mind.


For example, maybe this means it's worth putting on sunscreen more often than you currently do.


If nothing else, though, the good news is that researchers are at least aware that there's a problem here, and they've been working on protocols to hopefully get more consistent results.


Their ideas include using robots that spread sunscreen evenly in all conditions and shifting towards standardized in vitro testing using chemicals in a dish—no human skin involved.


This will let scientists get way more data points and will improve accuracy.


At the end of the day, SPF can be a helpful way to understand what you're buying.

不管怎么说,SPF 可以帮助你了解你要买的防晒霜。

To make an informed decision, you just need to know what it says and where those numbers are coming from.

要做出正确的决定的话,你只需要知道 SPF 是什么意思,以及这些数字来自于哪里。

And it's also worth knowing that not all hope is lost, either.


Even if this is a bit of a flawed system, multiple studies have shown that consistent use of sunscreen, even at low SPF, reduces your risk of skin cancer.

即使这是一个有缺陷的方法,但多项研究表明,持续使用防晒霜,甚至是低 SPF 的防晒霜,也能降低患皮肤癌的风险。

So, it's always worth lathering up!


If you've ever wished you just didn't have to wear sunscreen—well, I've got some sad news for you.


Almost all amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fish can make their own sunscreen.


Mammals are kind of the odd ones out.


If you want to learn more, you can watch our episode about the missing sunscreen gene after this.


