雅思寫作:流程圖 磚的製造


雅思寫作:流程圖 磚的製造


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

雅思寫作:流程圖 磚的製造



The flow chart* illustrates how bricks are produced for the purpose of construction industry**.

* flow chart=diagram, 流程圖

* construction industry=buiding industry, 建築業


雅思寫作:流程圖 磚的製造

相比於數據類圖表,流程圖的overview異常簡單。通常只需總結步驟或工具的個數,再加上對首末兩步驟的概括即可。個別題目涉及到地點的變遷,如若有,也需寫入overview中。例如:劍10Test4中三文魚的life cycle橫跨了河流和海洋;劍12Test8中利用地熱能源發電涉及到了地面以上和地下兩個大的階段。


To sum up, the whole process of brick manufacturing is complicated*, involving seven steps** from the digging stage to delivery***.

* complicated: 考慮到整個過程涉及到7個具體步驟,因此判定磚的生產還算是比較麻煩的

** seven steps: 總結步驟個數

*** from the digging stage to delivery: 概括首尾兩步驟


由於Task Achievement和Coherence and Cohesion在流程圖中較為簡單,大部分考生照著要求做,基本都能拿到不低的對應評分,那麼Lexical Resource以及Grammatical Range and Accuracy則成了大家和普通烤鴨岔開分數的分水嶺。

關於詞彙。流程圖在文體上屬於說明文一類,我們能用到的名詞基本取自原圖中表述材料和工具的詞,而在說明文中這類詞相對比較正式,甚至很專業性,因此很難替換掉,例如本題中的挖掘機digger/ 切割機wire cutter/ 磚窯kiln/ 冷卻機 cooling chamber。那我們就戰略性放棄名詞,轉攻動詞。使用動詞時,儘量迴避make/ produce/ become等基礎詞彙,嘗試把動詞做到精確。例如劍6Test3中講到了一條描述卵變成蠶寶寶的信息,很多同學給到的動詞是become,但我更推薦be hatched into。

關於語法。不能一味地只寫被動語態的簡單句。GRA band 6中要求考生use a mix of simple and complex sentence forms,band 7則要求use a sufficient range of complex sentences。何為complex sentences?含有從句的複雜句。因此,定語從句和狀語從句是寫好流程圖必備的技能。

此圖並無分段價值,因此我的所有detailed information都被整合在了paragraph3,具體如下:

Looking at the diagram in more detail, we can see that[1] the process starts from digging the clay with a large digger, after which[2] the clay is filtered[3] by the metal grid. The selected[4] clay is afterwards collected[5] by a rolling machine and mixed with water and sand. In the next step, the mixture is shaped into[6] raw bricks by either the traditional mound or the wire cutter. In the fourth phase, the raw bricks are delivered to the drying oven, where[7] they are kept for up to 48 hours in order to be toughened[8]. After that, the dried bricks are

stored[9] in the kiln to be heated at both moderate and high temperature(up to 130 degree centigrade[10]), and then transferred[11] into a cooling chamber. The cooling stage lasts for at most 3 days, and the final products are packed and delivered.

[1] 賓從,前文有提及complex sentences的重要性;

[2] 定從,在非限定從中,關係代詞which可指代整個主句,此處which亦如此;

[3] 過濾,畢竟metal grid就是金屬過濾器;

[4] 篩選,指濾出的clay;

[5] 收聚;

[6] 定形,等於be moulded into;

[7] 定從,等於in which,其中which指代the drying oven;

[8] 使堅硬,烘乾目的就是讓raw bricks固化;

[9] 存放。替換了基礎的kept/ put等詞;

[10] 攝氏度;

[11] 轉移。替換delivered/ sent等詞。

【四】完整的Model Answer

The flow chart illustrates how bricks are produced for the purpose of construction industry.

To sum up, the whole process of brick manufacturing is complicated, involving seven steps from the digging stage to delivery.

Looking at the diagram in more detail, we can see that the process starts from digging the clay with a large digger, after which the clay is filtered by the metal grid. The selected clay is afterwards collected by a rolling machine and mixed with water and sand. In the next step, the mixture is shaped into raw bricks by either the traditional mound or the wire cutter. In the fourth phase, the raw bricks are delivered to the drying oven, where they are kept for up to 48 hours in order to be toughened. After that, the dried bricks are stored in the kiln to be heated at both moderate and high temperature(up to 130 degree centigrade), and then transferred into a cooling chamber. The cooling stage lasts for at most 3 days, and the final products are packed and delivered.

177 words

