【每天学英语】D35 看[绝望主妇]学英语 S01E17


We all honor heroes for different reasons, sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their daring, sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes, we just have to rescue ourselves.


come along v. 出现;一起来;陪伴;进步

【每天学英语】D35 看[绝望主妇]学英语 S01E17

学了个单词monetary, 这是money的同根词,money这个词,大家应该都知道,大家也应该都喜欢这个单词,看看这个词的同根词都有哪些?

money n. 钱;货币;财富

monetary adj. 货币的;财政的

同近义词: financial / fiscal

monetary policy 货币政策

The world needs more monetary cooperation.这个世界需要更多的货币合作。

monetarist n. 货币主义者 adj. 货币主义的,关于货币控制政策的

monetarism n. 货币主义

Monetarism led to downfall of financial system in the end. 货币主义政策最终导致了金融体系的崩溃。

monetization n. [金融] 货币化;定为货币;货币铸造

※ monetize v. 把……定为货币,使成为合法货币;铸造成货币;(通过网站访客)赚钱

It's always been possible to monetize on the web, and the opportunities are growing. 在网络上赚钱始终都是有可能的,而且机会越来越多。

You may be able to monetize your web and make it an additional source of income.


monetise vt. 使货币化;把…定位法定货币(等于monetize)

