

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of friends, as well as the 50th birthday of Jennifer Aniston, who is famous for friends. 25 years seems to be a fated circle. Rachel Green who was American sweetheart has transformed into Jennifer Aniston, the world-famous goddess.


Jennifer, born on February 11, 1969, was born with Auspicious star’s blessing. Her labels are sweet, independent and strong. She was born as a star and actress. The magic of Auspicious star was engraved in her blood, boiling all the way, surging all the way, and helping her find the light all the way.


Although she started acting at the age of 21, Jennifer really gained her reputation as Rachel Green in Friends. One of the leading roles in friends: Matthew Perry, who was born on August 19, 1969, is one of Jennifer's Auspicious stars. The intersection of the two auspicious stars illuminates a brighter star path. Later, Paul Rudd, born on April 6, 1969, also appeared in Friends. With the blessing of the Auspicious star, Paul Rudd acted as ant-man, ranking in the top 10 of the world's highest-earning male stars.



Jennifer's acting career has become more and more successful because of the influence of Auspicious star. At the age of 34, she acted in "The Good Girl " with Jake Gyllenhaal, who was born on May 11, 1964, and with this movie, she won the best actress award in Hollywood Film Festival. Owen Wilson who was born on November 19, 1986, after worked with Jennifer, succeeded in famous movies such as “Inherent Vice” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel”.


With the help of the Auspicious star, Jennifer's career is on fire. She starred in “Cake” with Sam Worthington, born on August 2, 1976, and with another Auspicious star’s help, the movie " Horrible Bosses 2" was well received by people all over the world.


Apart from helping her in her career, Auspicious star also guided her in romantic relationship: Brad Pitt, born on December 18, 1963, was not only Jennifer's first husband, but also her Auspicious star. Their union was highly praised. After divorcing Brad, Jennifer met her another Auspicious star- Vince Vaughn, who was born on March 28, 1970. Vince helped Jennifer get out of the shadow of divorce and return to normal life.



Then there was John Mayer, born on October 17, 1977. they spent a year together, taking care of each other. When filmed “Wanderlust”. She met Justin Paul Theroux, who was born on August 10, 1971. He is Jennifer's Auspicious star as well. After that, they married. Three years later, the marriage ended regrettably……But in Jennifer's life, the auspicious stars always help her dispel the haze.



She said: “It's like the ebb and flow of every relationship. It's hard; it gets easy; it gets fun again. What's hard to sustain is some ideal that it's perfect. That's ridiculous.”



The same is true of life. Despite the ups and downs of life, the Auspicious star has been shining on her, helping her to go the right way, helping her complete the transformation from American sweetheart to the goddess of the world, and making her grow up from a little girl to a big woman.


