


Purple clay pot is a unique handmade clay handicraft in China. Its production began in Zhengde period of Ming Dynasty. The raw material for making purple clay pot is purple clay. It originated in Dingshu Town, Yixing, Jiangsu Province. Purple clay pot is a collection value of "antiques" in the auction market. The works of famous masters are often difficult to obtain. It is the so-called "what is the best choice for human jewelry, Yixing purple sand is the most important".

The raw material is purple sand mud, originated in Dingshu Town, Yixing, Jiangsu Province, also known as Yixing purple sand pot. It is said that the founder of purple clay pot was the Spring Festival of Ming Dynasty in China. Because of the perfect combination of artistry and practicality, purple clay pots are so precious and memorable. More on the benefits of purple sand pot tea, and tea Zen blindly culture, which also increased the noble and vulgar charm of purple sand.




Gold smelting is a traditional Chinese ancient working people's summary and creation process in production and labor. China's gold smelting technology began in the Warring States Period, and China was also the first country in the world to use this technology. This purple clay pot and gold-smelting craft was also a rare fine product during the Qing Dynasty. It should be used by the big court households at that time, not only from the pot itself but also its related technology!!!




Enamel, also known as "Franc" and "Falan", in fact, also known as Cloisonne, is a transliteration word of a foreign language. The word "enamel" originated from the ancient western geographical names of Sui and Tang dynasties in China. At that time, enamel inlaid glaze crafts made in the Eastern Roman Empire and the Mediterranean coast of Western Asia were called flicker inlay or Franc inlay or Franc machine, which was simplified as flicker. When cloisonne appears, it turns to pronounce blue and then to enamel. From 1918 to 1956, enamel and enamel were synonymous. In 1956, China formulated the standard for enamel products. Enamel was changed to enamel as a synonym for artistic enamel. This enameled gold purple clay pot not only uses extremely complex Enamel Gold technology, but also highlights its difference from other purple clay pots. There are few things in this world!!!





Recently, Mr. Guo, Jiangsu Province, had the honor to select this Qing Qianlong enamel pot to be sold at the National Auction Singapore Station this year. Please show your hands to collectors on time for bidding!!!

Appointment with you Singapore will never be separated!!!

