


Harmony in Diversity can be seen as a variant of A Wind from Yesterday, in which Fu Wenjun replaced the Euphrates poplar with the overlying of Western classic sculptures and Chinese ancient paintings. Then the dialogue between nature and civilization has evolved into the dialogue between Chinese and Western culture. It is evident that they represent two completely different aesthetic ideals: the Western sculptures pursue a perfect form, while the Chinese paintings adore the light and intangible spirit. Nevertheless, with the overlying performed by Wenjun, they do not appear to be inharmonious. In his own special way, the artist interprets the harmony in diversity, which represents a wisdom contributing to the continuous development of Chinese civilization and which can untie the hard knot of culture diversity and clash of civilizations.

--- Peng Feng, Professor at Peking University School of Arts and curator of the Chinese Pavilion at the 54th Biennale di Venezia.



"Harmony in Diversity No.1", Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 105x180cm,2016-2017



"Harmony in Diversity No.4", Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 105x180cm,2016-2017



"Harmony in Diversity No.10", Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 105x180cm,2016-2017

