
What makes your town or city unique? Is it the architecture, the people, the location, the atmosphere? Each of these 6 towns have something truly unique, and truly fascinating about them. From underground living to quirky names, click through to check out some of the world’s most unusual towns.



1. Longyearbyen, Norway


Looking for the world’s northernmost church, university, ATM, or even blues festival? Check out this chilly Arctic town, located on an island just 600 miles from the North Pole. With months of darkness and a seemingly perpetual blanket of snow, it’s no wonder that so many of Longyearbyen’s 2,000 residents paint their homes such vibrant colors. Indeed, the striking contrast between the white snow and the colorful homes makes this sleepy town wonderfully unusual!


2. Coober Pedy, Australia


In a place where temperatures regularly soar into the 90s and the 100s in the summer, it’s understandable that the residents of Coober Pedy, Australia would do anything they can to beat the heat. And, here, it’s all about living underground. Often referred to as the ”opal capital of the world,” more than half of this mining town’s residents live in homes in dug out caves on the hillsides, where temperatures are steady and a cool relief from the scorching heat outside. Building a “dugout” costs about the same as building a home on the surface, with the added bonus of not having to worry about all those high energy bills from air conditioning. Also underground? Shops, churches, and even a four star hotel!


3. Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa


Oprah Winfrey dubbed this small town, and its neighbor, Fairfield, as the most unusual in the United States. And it’s no surprise why — the rolling farmland of Iowa is one of the last places you might expect to be the epicenter of transcendental meditation. Incorporated just over a decade ago, the town was designed using the concepts of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, an ancient architectural design form based on Sanskrit texts. Most residents practice transcendental meditation at least twice a day. Non-organic food is banned by the city, which also runs its own organic farm.



4. Hell, Michigan


Does Hell freeze over? Well, Hell, Michigan certainly does! No one is quite sure where this town got its, erm, devilish name. One thing is for sure, though — Hell, Michigan residents sure do embrace the name! In Hell, you’ll find businesses like Hell in a Handbasket, a general store called Hell’s Kitchen, a restaurant, and Screams, an ice cream shop. Tourists can also play mini-golf, get married at the Hell chapel and even be the mayor for a day — all the more reason to go to Hell!


5. CITE, New Mexico


Like any other town in the United States, the soon-to-be-built CITE will be full of highways, roads, homes, and commercial buildings. There will be an urban center, as well as suburban and rural areas. Homes have appliances and plumbing, the city has electricity. But nobody will live in CITE, or The Center for Innovation, Testing & Evaluation. A company called Pegasus Holdings is planning to build a mid-sized city not for living, but for testing green energy, transportation, wireless infrastructure, and first responder technology projects, among others. Modeled after Rock Hill, South Carolina, a city of over 65,000 people, this $1 billion project will allow for testing without interfering with everyday life in the real world.

像任何在美国的其他城市, 马上就建设引用完整的公路,道路,房屋和商业建筑。将会有一个城市中心,以及郊区和农村地区。房屋设备和管道,城市电力。但没有人会住在引用或创新中心测试与评估的地方。一家名为飞马控股的公司正计划建立一个中等规模的城市,但对于测试绿色能源、交通、无线基础设施、和免疫应答技术项目等。模仿岩石山,南卡罗莱纳,一个超过65000人的城市,这个10亿美元的项目将允许在没有干扰日常生活在现实世界中测试。

6. Thames Town, China


Twenty miles outside of Shanghai you’ll find a taste of merry old England. Built in just three years, Thames Town is modeled after a traditional English market town, and features a century-spanning pastiche of English architecture. Mostly comprised of single-family homes that were snapped up by investors and for use as second homes, a large percentage of the homes are not occupied full-time. And it’s not the only western-themed development in the Shanghai area — you’ll also find German, Dutch, Swedish, and Italian towns, among others.



