“实体经济”可不是physical economy,小心英语老师敲你脑袋

  1. 说到“实体”,大家可能第一反映是physical, 例如physical evidence, physical strength等。但实体经济,却不是physical economy,而是real economy。

“实体经济”可不是physical economy,小心英语老师敲你脑袋

例句: They want to see funds flow into the real economy 他们希望资金流到实体经济中去。

  1. 那“实体店”该怎么说?

实体店— brick-and-mortar stores

Brick是砖,mortar是泥浆,所以brick-and-mortar组合就是“实体”的意思了,非常形象地道。由于这些实体店一般都是指开在街边,四四方方的商店,所以,也可以形象地称为“Big Box’ Stores

“实体经济”可不是physical economy,小心英语老师敲你脑袋

  1. 那实体店相对于线上电商,又有哪些弊端呢?


Chaotic stores, long waiting lines and overcrowded areas are common downsides of brick-and-mortar stores. Compared with convenience, personalization and ease of purchase offered by e-commerce, the “Big-box” stores are made less attractive nowadays.


实得工资— take-home pay

“实体经济”可不是physical economy,小心英语老师敲你脑袋


* With meager salary, he barely scrambled for a living

* bring in a pittance

* Scramble to make ends meet

而对那些“职场月光族”,则可以直接称之为 Working poor,因为Underpaid。

  1. 其他与“实”相关的表达

“实体经济”可不是physical economy,小心英语老师敲你脑袋

  1. 实际年龄:chronological age

例如:The average Chinese person is 8.2 years older than his or her chronological age, a sign of poor health 中国人身体状况平均比实际年龄老8.2岁,健康状况堪忧

  1. 实干家:man of action
  2. 实弹演练:live-fire drill

