《高效能人士的七個習慣》精讀 Episode 1




這次我們來閱讀《高效能人士的七個習慣》(豆瓣評分8.4)。以下選段來自於著名的企業管理專家和暢銷書作家吉姆·科林斯(Jim Collins)給作者史蒂芬·柯維(Stephen Covey)寫的序。科林斯獲得過斯坦福大學商學院傑出教學獎,他寫過一本書叫作《基業長青》。在以下段落裡,科林斯從他自己對企業的研究入手,談到柯維對個人效能(personal effectiveness)的研究。兩人研究的背後有著共通的原則。閱讀時我們可以思考:一家企業如何能基業長青?一個人呢?


My own research quest has focused on the question, “What makes a great company tick--why do some companies make the leap from the good to great (while others don’t), why do some become built to last(while others fall), and why do some thrive in chaos?” One of our key findings is the idea of “Preserve the Core/Stimulate Progress”; no enterprise can become or remain truly great without a core set of principles to preserve, to build upon, to serve as an anchor, to provide guidance in the face of an ever changing world. At the same time, no company can remain great without stimulating the progress--change, renewal, improvement and the pursuit of BHAGs(Big Hairy Audacious Goals). When you blend these two together--Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress--you get a magical dialectic that keeps a company or organization vibrant over time. Convey found a similar pattern in personal effectiveness: first build upon a strong core of principles that are not open for continuous change; at the same time, be relentless in the quest for improvement and continuous self-renewal. This dialectic enables an individual to retain a rock solid foundation and attain sustained growth for a lifetime.


My own research quest has focused on the question, “What makes a great company tick--why do some companies make the leap from the good to great (while others don’t), why do some become built to last(while others fall), and why do some thrive in chaos?”

quest:名詞,表示追求。常構成quest for,表示對……的追求。也可以作動詞。

【例】My quest for a better bank continues. 我繼續在搜尋一家更好的銀行。

what makes sb tick


【例】It’s hard to say what makes him tick. 很難說他為什麼是這樣一個人。


【例】Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies. 從電視業轉向電影業很少有人成功。


【例】This weather won't last. 這種天氣持續不了多久。


【例】A great civilization fell in less than a century. 一個偉大的文明不到一個世紀就衰亡了。

thrive in chaos:動詞短語,表示在混亂中蓬勃發展。其中thrive為動詞,表示蓬勃發展,茁壯成長。chaos為名詞,表示混亂。

【例】New businesses thrive in this area. 新商家在這一地區蓬勃興起。

【例】The house was in chaos after the party. 聚會後,房子裡一片狼藉。


One of our key findings is the idea of “Preserve the Core/Stimulate Progress”; no enterprise can become or remain truly great without a core set of principles to preserve, to build upon, to serve as an anchor, to provide guidance in the face of an ever changing world.

Preserve the Core:動詞短語,表示保留核心。其中preserve為動詞,表示保留,保存。core為名詞,表示核心,精髓。分號後面的core為形容詞,表示核心( 信念、價值、原則等)。

【例】a perfectly preserved 14th century house 保存完好的14世紀宅第

【例】the core of the argument 爭論的核心

Stimulate Progress:動詞短語,表示促進進步,激發進步。


【例】The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. 展覽增進了人們對她作品的興趣。


【例】You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 你不可能不打破雞蛋就做成煎蛋卷。

serve as:動詞短語,表示產生…的效果(或結果)。

【例】The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others. 法官說這種懲罰將起到殺一儆百的作用。


【例】the anchor of the family 全家的頂樑柱

in the face of:介詞短語,表示面對。後面常常跟問題,困難等。

【例】She showed great courage in the face of danger. 面對危險她表現出了巨大的勇氣。


【例】an ever-present danger 始終存在的危險


At the same time, no company can remain great without stimulating the progress--change, renewal, improvement and the pursuit of BHAGs(Big Hairy Audacious Goals).


【例】urban renewal 市區改造

the pursuit of:名詞短語,表示對……的追求(通常是追求一個美好的目標)。和前文the quest for互為近義詞組。注意各自的介詞搭配。pursuit的動詞形式為pursue。

【例】the pursuit of happiness對幸福的追求


【例】Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy. 在結冰的道路上開車很驚險。


【例】an audacious decision 大膽的決定


When you blend these two together--Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress--you get a magical dialectic that keeps a company or organization vibrant over time.

blend:動詞,常見含義為(使)混合,這裡表示(使)調和,融合。常用blend sth. together/blend together sth.結構。

【例】Blend together the eggs, sugar and flour. 把雞蛋、糖和麵粉摻到一起。(使混合)

【例】The old and new buildings blend together perfectly. 新舊建築物相映成趣。(融合)


【例】a truly magical feeling 真正奇妙的感情


【例】the dialectics of class struggle and of socioeconomic change階級鬥爭和社會經濟變化的對立統一


【例】a vibrant city 充滿生機的城市


Convey found a similar pattern in personal effectiveness: first build upon a strong core of principles that are not open for continuous change; at the same time, be relentless in the quest for improvement and continuous self-renewal.


【例】changing patterns of behaviour 行為變化模式

personal effectiveness:名詞短語,表示個人效能。這是整本書的關鍵詞,它的核心就是怎樣提高個人效能。


【例】The rain has been continuous since this morning. 從早上到現在這雨就沒停過。


【例】Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable. 由於對質量的堅持不懈的追求,他的技術能力非同凡響。


This dialectic enables an individual to retain a rock solid foundation and attain sustained growth for a lifetime.


【例】to retain your independence 保持獨立

a rock solid foundation:名詞短語,表示堅如磐石的基礎。其中rock本身表示岩石,巨石塊。rock solid表示穩固的,堅如磐石的。

【例】The support for the party was rock solid. 這一政黨得到了堅定的支持。


【例】Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams. 我們多數學生的考試成績是五個優。

sustained growth:名詞短語,表示持續成長。其中sustained是動詞sustain的過去分詞形式,sustain表示使保持;使穩定持續。衍生詞sustainable表示可持續的,例如可持續增長sustainable growth。

【例】a period of sustained economic growth 經濟持續增長的時期



①My own research quest has focused on the question, “What makes a great company tick--why do some companies make the leap from the good to great (while others don’t), why do some become built to last(while others fall), and why do some thrive in chaos?”②One of our key findings is the idea of “Preserve the Core/Stimulate Progress”; no enterprise can become or remain truly great without a core set of principles to preserve, to build upon, to serve as an anchor, to provide guidance in the face of an ever changing world. ③At the same time, no company can remain great without stimulating the progress--change, renewal, improvement and the pursuit of BHAGs(Big Hairy Audacious Goals).④When you blend these two together--Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress--you get a magical dialectic that keeps a company or organization vibrant over time. ⑤Convey found a similar pattern in personal effectiveness: first build upon a strong core of principles that are not open for continuous change; at the same time, be relentless in the quest for improvement and continuous self-renewal. ⑥This dialectic enables an individual to retain a rock solid foundation and attain sustained growth for a lifetime.

在這一段落中,作者把公司和個人進行類比。從他自己的研究入手,第一句話提出問題:是什麼造就了一家公司的卓越?第二句和第三句講研究發現,原來有一個關鍵是“Preserve the Core/Stimulate Progress”(堅持核心,激發進步),並分別對其中的這兩點進行了展開論述。第四句話講述這樣做的結果。第五句講述柯維對個人效能的發現,其核心理念和運營一家卓越的公司的理念相仿:找到並堅持可持續的核心原則,同時在變化的環境中大膽改變不斷提升。


