

1. It is pretty large in size (cell is about 400-500nm diameter), so any normal mask (not just the N95 feature) should be able to filter it out.

However, when someone who's infected sneezes in front of you, it will take a great 3 meters (about 10 feet) before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.

1. 病毒细胞直径大约400-500纳米,任何正常口罩(不一定是N95类型)都可以将病毒细胞过滤出去。当感染者在你面前打喷嚏,病毒细胞会经过横向距离为3米的抛物线落在地上,之后才会不经过空气传播。

2. When the virus drops on metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours. So remember if you come in contact with any metal surface, wash your hands with soap thoroughly.

2. 当病毒细胞落在金属表面后会存活12个小时。所以如果你触碰了金属表面的话,请记得认真用肥皂或者洗手液洗手。

3. The virus can remain active on fabric for 6-12 hours. Normal laundry detergent should kill the virus. For winter clothing that does not require daily washing, you can put it out under the sun to kill the virus.

3. 病毒在布料上可以存活6到12个小时。普通的洗衣液即可杀死病毒。如果是在衣物无需每天清洗的冬天,将衣服放在太阳下晒一晒可以有助于杀死病毒。

About the symptoms of the pneumonia caused by Coronavirus:


1. It will first infect the throat, so the throat will have the dry sore throat feeling which will last for 3 to 4 days

1. 一开始病毒会感染喉咙,喉咙会觉得很干,这种感觉大约持续3-4天。

2. Then the virus will blend into the nasal fluid and drips into the trachea and enter the lungs, causing pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days.

2. 然后病毒会侵入鼻液,再流入气管,最后进入肺部导致肺炎。这个过程大约持续5-6天。

3. With pneumonia, comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You will feel like you are drowning in water. It's important to go seek immediate medical attention if you feel like this.

3. 这个肺炎的表现是高烧和呼吸困难。鼻腔堵塞的感觉跟普通感冒不太一样,你会觉得有一种溺水无法呼吸的感觉。如果发生这种状况的话请及时就医。

About prevention:


1. The most common way of getting infected is by touching things in public, so you must wash your hands frequently. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 mins, but a lot can happen in those 5-10 mins (you can rub your eyes or pick your nose unwittingly).

1. 通常最有可能感染的方式是在公共场合触摸了带有病毒的物体,所以记得勤洗手。病毒在你手上只会存活5-10分钟,不过即使是短短的5-10分钟,也要十分警惕(不要用手揉眼睛或者不自觉地抠鼻子������)

2. Aside from washing your hands frequently, you can gargle with Betadine Sore Throat Gargle to eliminate or minimize the germs while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs).

3. 除了勤洗手之外,还可以用漱口水漱口,这样可以杀死或者减少存留在喉咙里的病菌,防止起落入肺部引起肺炎。

Take extra care and drink plenty of water.


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