

oil plungesafter producers embark on① a price war


Oil crashed the most in 29 years as Saudi Arabia and Russia vowed to pump more in a battle for market share just as the coronavirus spurs the first decline in demand since 2009. Futures② slumped③ by about 25% in New York and London last Monday as Moscow and Riyadh began an all-out④ price war after the collapse of talks between members of the OPEC+ alliance. Saudi Arabia slashed its official crude pricing and is threatening record output. Russia’s largest producer, meanwhile, said it will ramp up⑤ production next month. The oil price war rattled⑥ financial markets already on edge over the spreading coronavirus. (Bloomberg)



① embark on: to start to do sth. new or difficult 開始

② futures: [ˈfjuːtʃəz] n. goods or shares that are bought at agreed prices but that will be delivered and paid for at a later time 期貨

③ slump: [slʌmp] vi. to fall in price, value, number, etc., suddenly and by a large amount 突然暴跌

④ all-out: [ˌɔːlˈaʊt] adj. using or involving every possible effort and done in a very determined way 全部,極度,竭盡全力

⑤ ramp up: to make sth. increase in amount 提高,增加

⑥ rattle: [ˈrætəl] vt. to hit against something repeatedly and make a quick series of short, loud sounds(連續打擊)使發出短促尖利聲;【喻】嚴重影響


The oil price war follows a rift between Russian President Vladmir Putin and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

(Credit: CNN)


Biden takes command of① race


Joe Biden took command of the Democratic presidential race last Tuesday, marshaling② a powerful multiracial coalition in the South and Midwest that swept aside Bernie Sanders. Replicating the combination of voters that delivered him broad victories on Super Tuesday, Biden won Michigan, Missouri, and Mississippi with overwhelming support from African Americans and with large margins among suburban and rural white voters. Tomorrow will be the second-biggest day of the entire primary③, following only Super Tuesday, when Florida, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio vote. Next week will come Georgia, the type of Southern state with a large black population where Biden has been especially strong this year. However, April 4 will be the next best slate④ of states for Sanders, with contests in Alaska, Hawaii, Wyoming, all of which Sanders won in 2016. But they together have roughly the same number of delegates⑤ as Louisiana, which also votes on April 4, where a larger African-American population gave Hillary Clinton a big win four years ago. (The New York Times, NBC News)



① take command of: to begin controlling a group or situation and making decisions 開始控制

② marshal: [ˈmɑːʃəl] vt. to gather together and organize the people, things, ideas, etc. that you need for a particular purpose 組織

③ primary: [ˈpraɪmərɪ] n. an election in which people in a particular area vote to choose a candidate for a future important election【美】初選

④ slate: [sleɪt] n. a group of candidates or electors sharing a set of political views【美】候選人/選民名單

⑤ delegate: [ˈdɛləgɪt] n. a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for others(選民)代表


Joe Biden in a campaign event in Ohio.

(Credit: AP)


Coronavirus outbreak is a pandemic①, says WHO


After weeks of resisting mounting② pressure from scientists, politicians and others, the World Health Organization has decided to describe the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. The virus is now in more than 100 countries. It has infected more than 150,000 people including celebrities and government officials. US President Trump tested negative after hosting a meeting at his Florida resort with a Brazilian delegation, some of whom tested positive. More than 5,000 people have been killed. Several nations have closed schools in a bid③ to stop the virus, and Italy has entered an unprecedented countrywide lockdown④. US President Trump imposed a 30-day ban on travel from Europe to the US. Britain won praise for its robust economic response, which, in addition to billions of pounds for hospitals and workers sidelined⑤ by illness, included a sharp interest rate cut by the Bank of England. But the world still faces troubles. In the US, the delay in developing coronavirus test kits⑥ and the scarcity of tests have made it impossible for officials to get a true picture of the scale of the outbreak. (Nature, The New York Times)



① pandemic: [pænˈdɛmɪk] n. an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area or throughout the world 大流行病

② mounting: [ˈmaʊntɪŋ] adj. increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses anxiety(常指造成問題或麻煩的事物)越來越多

③ bid: [bɪd] n. an effort to do sth. or to obtain sth. 企圖,努力,爭取

④ lockdown: [ˈlɒkˌdəʊn] n. an official order to control the movement of people or vehicles because of a dangerous situation【美】封鎖

⑤ sideline: [ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn] vt. to prevent sb. from having an important part in sth. that other people are doing 使不能參加

⑥ kit: [kɪt] n. a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose 成套工具,工具包


A visual aid to understand the difference between epidemic, pandemic and outbreak.

(Credit: News18 creatives)


a frenetic① week in the global markets


The global market rout② eased last Friday and US stock futures pointed higher following the largest one-day sell-off③ on Wall Street since 1987, as central banks launched new liquidity④ measures to stem⑤ the coronavirus-induced sell-off. US stocks triggered a “circuit breaker⑥” for the second time last week after Donald Trump banned Europeans from travelling to the US. European equities⑦ suffered their worst single session⑧ in history last Thursday, while the S&P 500 experienced its fastest descent into a bear market on record. But sentiment improved last Friday as government after government stepped in with attempts to cushion⑨ the financial and economic damage from the coronavirus outbreak. Wall Street rallied⑩ into the close, sending the S&P 500 index of US equities up 9.3 per cent. (The Financial Times)



① frenetic: [frɪˈnɛtɪk] adj. involving a lot of energy and activity in a way that is not organized 極度激動的,狂熱的,瘋狂的,精神錯亂的

② rout: [raʊt] n. a situation in which sb. is defeated easily and completely in a battle or competition 潰敗,潰退,大敗

③ sell-off: n. the sale of a large number of stocks and shares, after which their value usually falls【美】(股票)拋售

④ liquidity: [lɪˈkwɪdɪtɪ] n. the state of owning things of value that you can easily be exchanged for cash 流動性

⑤ stem: [stɛm] vt. to stop sth. that is flowing from spreading or increasing 遏制

⑥ circuit breaker: a financial regulatory instrument that is in place to prevent stock market crashes from occurring, and is implemented by the relevant stock exchange organization 熔斷機制

⑦ equity: [ˈɛkwɪtɪ] n. the ordinary shares of a limited company「-ties」普通股,股票

⑧ session: [ˈsɛʃən] n. a period of time given to or set aside for the pursuit of a particular activity, esp. a business period on a stock exchange or another financial or commodity market 交易日

⑨ cushion: [ˈkʊʃən] vt. to make the effect of a fall or hit less severe 緩衝

⑩ rally: [ræli] vi. (esp. of share prices or a country’s money) to increase in value after falling in value 降後復漲,止跌回升


A trader at the New York Stock Exchange

(Credit: AP)


Bill Gates cuts formal ties with Microsoft


Microsoft marked the end of an era last Friday when Bill Gates stepped down from its board, severing① all official ties with the company he co-founded and helped turn into a tech colossus②. The billionaire said he chose to leave Microsoft’s board—in addition to Berkshire Hathaway’s on Friday—“to dedicate more time to philanthropic③ priorities including global health and development, education, and my increasing engagement in tackling climate change.” For the first time since he co-founded the company in 1975 with his childhood friend, the late④ Paul Allen, he has no formal role at the company. Still, Gates, who will be a technical advisor to current CEO Satya Nadella, said that the move “in no way means stepping away from the company.” (Fortune)



① sever: [ˈsɛvə] vt. to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb. 斷絕,中斷

② colossus: [kəˈlɒsəs] n. a person or thing that is extremely important or large in size 大人物,大企業,大國

③ philanthropic: [ˌfɪlənˈθrɒpɪk] adj. connected with the practice of helping the poor and those in need, esp. by giving money 慈善的

④ late: [leɪt] adj. no longer alive 已故的


(Credit: Bloomberg)


