

2020年之初,全國乃至全球都捲入了一場抗擊新冠病毒肺炎的戰役之中。在萬眾一心的硬核抗疫之下,景寧人民向“海上絲綢之路”終點意大利威尼託大區維羅納省的萊西尼亞山區伸出了援助之手和橄欖枝,藉助杭州和維羅納締結友好城市的東風,維羅納之萊西尼亞山區積極回應,委託威尼託大區議員Stefano Valdegamberi(斯德法諾•瓦爾德甘貝里) 和意大利威尼託大區萊西尼亞山區聯盟主席Ermanno Anselmi(艾爾馬諾•安賽萊米)以及萊西尼亞山區代表城市巴迪亞市長Emanuele Anselmi(埃馬努埃萊• 安塞爾米)向中國景寧畲族自治縣人民政府發出交流的邀請。為此,一場特別的中意友好締結啟動儀式暨抗疫主題畫展等活動便拉開了帷幕。

At the beginning of 2020, China and the wholeworld were involved in a battle against the new corona virusCOVID-19 pneumonia. Under the unit fight against the epidemic,Jingning people lend a helping hand to Lessinia, themountainous area north of Verona where is the end of the “Sea Silk Road”. Taking advantage of theopportunity of establishing Sister cities between Hangzhou and Verona, Lessiniaresponded positively. Stefano Valdegamberi (Councillor fo Veneto), Ermanno Anselmi (the President of LAB BaldoLessinia) and Emanuele Anselmi (the Mayor of Badia Calavena) sent an invitationto communicate with the People’sGovernment of She Autonomous County of Jingning. In this respect, a Sino-Italyfriendship ceremony with anti-epidemic theme art exhibition and a series ofactivities held in Jingning.




On the morning of April 29,Jingning City Exhibition Hall was crowed with people, Chen Zhong (Member ofLishui Municipal Committee, Secretary of the County Committee of the SheAutonomous County of Jingning), Zhong Haiyan (Deputy Secretary of Jingning SheAutonomous County Committee, County Mayor), Wang Yi (Deputy County Mayor ofJingning She Autonomous County) and other authorities attended the launchceremony. Other Guests as Zhang Libin (Zhejiang University of Technology,former President of Zhejiang University of Technology), also attendedactivities.



著名畫家何水法先生在畫展現場題寫書法 “兄弟同心 其利斷金”,以祝願中意兩國人民友誼長存。


中國著名花鳥畫家何水法為景寧•萊西尼亞的友好締結特別作畫牡丹圖《國香》,並贈送給組委會。中國景寧畲族自治縣鍾海燕縣長接過贈畫表示感謝,並將 “景寧•萊西尼亞中意民族文化友好交流大使” 的榮譽證書贈給了何水法。

The famous Chinese bird-and-flower painter He Shuifa painted apeony figure, named "National Fragrance" as a present to theorganizing committee, complimenting the friendship of Jingning and Lesinia.Zhong Haiyan, County Mayor, received this painting and expressed gratitude, andpresented the honorary certificate of "Jingning Lesinia Sino-ItalianNational Cultural Friendly Exchange Ambassador" to He Shuifa.


來自意大利維羅納的Roberto Bianconi先生被組委會推選為意方友好大使,由於疫情嚴峻,本人不便前來,由啟動儀式的執行代表為其領取,他本人則通過視頻表達了感謝,並表示為會兩地的友好交流牽線服務。

Roberto Bianconi is from Verona, as the Italian ambassador ofJingning Lesinia Sino-Italian National Cultural Friendly Exchange. Due to thesevere epidemic situation, professor Bianconi was in Italy, but he expressedhis gratitude through the video and expressed his support for developing andmaintaining this friendship between these two places.




The China-Italy Friendship Anti-epidemic Theme Exhibition as anintegral part of this launching ceremony, displayed 39 paintings about flowersand birds which created by the Chinese artist He Shuifa during this SpringFestival. All paintings expressed his appreciations and thanks to Zhejiangmedical staff to aid Wuhan. Invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, He Shuifa paintedtwo countries’national flowers, Peonyand Daisy, to express friendship of China-Italy. All these paintings aredisplayed at this exhibition.





Underthis epidemic, the artists from Veneto used a special way to present their artto Jingning people. More than 20 works of art created by dozens of Italianartists, were displayed in form of high-definition photos at the exhibition.Jingning people will see the beautiful scenery of Lessinia and the foreignartistic expression. Italian artists expressed to the organizing committee thatthey will come to Jingning and will bring original works in the future forfurther communicating with Jingning people.



Duringthe exhibition, He Shuifa brought a lively and interesting international artexchange dialogue and shared of Chinese painting innovation ideas to the artlovers of Jingning. He Shuifa, an honorary doctor of the Lviv National Academyof Arts in Ukraine and an academician of the Ambrosio Academy of Arts in Italy,shared his artistic practice over the world and his experience of bird-and-flower painting in these years, which was greeted withthunderous applause from audience.


Zhang Libin, professor of Zhejiang University of Technology andformer president of Zhejiang University of Technology, brought a lecture “the Beauty of European Architectural Art and the Development of CulturalTourism Industry” to the Jingning people. President Zhang Combined the resortcultural tourism and industrial integration in the mountainous area of Lenisiawith the current status of Jingning's cultural tourism, with his studying andworking experience in Europe and his architectural art investigation theseyears. In this two hours lecture, the audience warmly communicated withPresident Zhang.



This event will also set up a special interactive session toinvite Jingning's children to come and draw for the China-Italian friendship. Thepaintings would be handed over to the Jingning-Lesinia Friendship OrganizingCommittee, the selected works would be print out, and would be sent to Lesiniaas a gift, for cheering up the Italian people in their anti-epidemic effortsand expressing their best wishes to friendship of Jingning-Lesinia.




After thousands of Han, She and all ethnic nationalities have builttogether, Jingning becomes a beautiful and convenient city. Under the guidanceof the “TheBelt and Road initiative”and “CultureGoing out”,starting from the Apennine peninsula, Jingning will walk along the “Marine SilkRoad” , with Sistercity Lesinia, and begin to shape and promote his international image and enhance his ecological cultural tourism. Jingning will goout, will be international, and will show a bright new face on the world stage。











