
問:What problems will keeping pets bring?


I think it depends on what kind of pet you have. There are pets that are not really a burden at all. Keeping pets can be time consuming so this can give a problem to the pet owner. A dog for example is a common pet that people keep. You need to complete the papers of vaccine, take them outside for a walk and many more. The noise that dog creates whenever it’s barking can sometime disturb the neighborhood. So in my opinion, there are some problems to face in keeping pets so I guess readiness is important before you decide to keep a pet.


From my own experience, my cats have caused quite a bit of damage to furniture. They used the sofa as a scratching post and have chewed through many phone charging cables. They also lose a lot of fur so there is always fir on everything. I brush them and clean regularly but it still sticks to my clothes. If I want to travel it can be difficult as I need to find someone to look after them. Despite all of these difficulties I wouldn't change a thing. My cats bring me great joy. They are funny and super cute, especially when they cuddle up together.




