














第一步: 審題謀篇

TEM4一般都是提綱式作文,題目內容通常與考生的學習生活和社會熱點問題緊密相關、 容易理解。考生在看到題目後應該明確題目的主旨,並且根據給出的提綱確定文章各段落的相關內容以及各部分之間的邏輯關係。



Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution?

寫作提綱為: In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

首先,題目中就透露出這篇文章的幾個關鍵詞: private car、tax、 pollution;再者,從寫作提 綱的要求來分析,第一段為提出觀點,第二段列出若干個理由來支持作者的觀點,第三段則為總結。因此,這篇作文的基本框架及其各段的主題句可舉例如下:

In my point of view, private car owners should be taxed for pollution.(背景介紹,引出討論 的話題)

To begin with, automobile exhaust causes air pollution.(擴展說明理由一)

Besides, pollution tax may encourage an increasing number of People to make full use of public transportation.(擴展說明理由二)

In a word, it is necessary and urgent to levy tax to combat air pollution.(結東語)

第二步: 段落寫作

在第一步確定文章大致框架和各部分主題句的基礎上,第二步在總框架中填入相關內容即可,這裡需要綜合運用各種寫作手法對主題句所表達的內容進行擴充。同時也通過恰當的 銜接手法保持文章句與句之間、段與段之間內容連貫,邏輯清晰。


第一段: In my point of view, private car owners should be taxed for pollution.(背景介紹 引出討論的話題)


① 直接引出話題

如: Nowadays, more and more people can afford a car, which has caused serious air pollution problems. However, the proposed regulation about taxing private car owners for pollution is still in dispute.

② 間接引出話題,比如採用舉例的寫作手法間接引出。

如:M. Zhang lives in the suburbs of Guangzhou. He bought a car last year and found it very convenient and time-saving. One thing that has caused headache to him is that there is a proposed regulation about taxing private car owners for pollution. He is somewhat resistant to this regulation; however, in my point of view …

第二段: To begin with, automobile exhaust causes air pollution.(擴展說明理由一)Besides, pollution tax may encourage an increasing number of people to make full use of public trans. (擴展說明理由二)


① 舉例式

To begin with, automobile exhaust causes air pollution. Some big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, suffer a lot from air pollution caused by private car emission.

② 數據說明式

To begin with, automobile exhaust causes air pollution. According to the statistics released by the State Environmental Protection Administration, up to 40% of air pollution has been caused by automobile exhaust.

③ 正反觀點式

To begin with, automobile exhaust causes air pollution. If there were no effective measures to control the number of private cars, the problem would greatly influence our life and the whole eco logical system as well.

第三段: In a word, it is necessary and urgent to levy tax to combat air pollution.(結束語)


① 提出建議式

In a word, it is necessary and urgent to levy tax to combat air pollution: I would suggest the government should work out a feasible package of regulations as soon as possible to get this problem resolved.

② 展望、願景式

In a word, it is necessary and urgent to levy tax to combat air pollution. Only in this way can the environment be protected and the economy be sustainably developed.

第三步: 修改潤色


① 標題的格式

這是許多考生容易忽視的問題。考生應當嚴格遵照英文標題大小寫規範來書寫作文標題,一般實詞(名詞、動詞、代詞、形容詞、副詞等)首字母大寫,虛詞(介詞、冠 詞、連詞、感嘆詞等)首字母小寫,標題的第一個單詞無論是實詞還是虛詞,其首字母一律大寫。

② 數、時態、代詞等不一致

如: Money encourage you to work hard and try your best to earn them.這裡 money為抽象概念,謂語動詞應以單數形式出現,同樣,也應以單數代詞對其進行指代。

因此,這裡應該改為: Money encourages you to work hard and try your best to earn it.

③ 詞性誤用

如: None can deny the significant of money. 其中 significant是形容詞,在這個句子裡誤用為名詞,可以改為: None can deny the significance of money.

又如: Some college students hire cleaners in their dormitories occasional.這句話裡的 occasional本是形容詞,被誤用為副詞了,應該改為 occasionally。

④ 標點符號誤用

有些考生容易出現將逗號誤用為句號的情況,如: Money could bring some extra trouble to you, sometimes it is harmful.這樣的句子在英語專業四級考試的作文卷中屢見不鮮,屬於不斷句( run-on sentence),往往是由於考生將漢語中逗號的用法遷移至英語寫作中所致。

