Legal Q3:How many stages in the criminal case?

Legal Q3:How many stages in the criminal case?

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1、The first stage is investigation and arrest stage.

1) Generally,the police is in charge of this stage, they hold the suspects,and collect the nessary information and evidence for the procuratorate (who's in charge of the second stage)

2)However, the procuratorate would also be responsible for the investigation of the crime of coropution and dereliction of duty;

3) At this stage, only lawyers can meet the suspect in jail.

(PS: criminal detention should be no more than 37 days,then the arrest stage would last for 2 to 3 months)

Legal Q3:How many stages in the criminal case?

2、The second stage is investigation and prosecution stage

The procuratorate is in charge of this stage, they review original evidence and file charges against the suspect.

The prosecution stage would last for about 1 to 1.5 month.

Ps: at this stage, the lawyer was allowed to read the evidence.

Legal Q3:How many stages in the criminal case?

3、The third stage is trial stage.

The court is in charge of this stage, it would last for 2 to 3 months

Ps: Above all, families could not see the suspect, only lawyers could give advice for them, and defend them in the court room.

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Legal Q3:How many stages in the criminal case?

About the Author

Rochelle Zhang

Lawyer in Hefei

City Development Law Firm


