
杭城的雪花洋洋洒洒飞扬飞扬,两天两夜,雪落无声,洁白了整个世界。江南暮烟睡到了9点钟闹钟吵醒了。 今天没有坚持瑜伽, 亲爱的你们是不是窝在家里,暖暖坐在沙发前欣赏一步完整的电影呢 ?


这个时候不需要在迷恋朋友圈和网络铺天盖地的完美图片 。给大家分享一下瑜伽男神关于瑜伽的


快乐是不错的选择,瑜伽男神告诉你瑜伽是一种生活方式 。

For me yoga is the way of life 。

Simon Borg-Olivier是澳大利亚最古老最受推崇的瑜伽学院的主子,他从6岁开始接触瑜伽中的呼吸法,17岁在一个西藏喇嘛的推荐下学习了密宗瑜伽的哲学和习练,无休止的研究瑜伽几十年,印度那些国际知名的瑜伽大师他也都跟随过,是瑜伽练习界的资深人士。








释放 是处理阻碍我们内在能量流动的杂质。


做更多的事情, 用最少的呼吸,少想一些更专注 。




“Svadhyaya不仅仅是学习,而是内在的探索 学习, 理解, 理解你自己,为什么是我们 ?


我的生活基于三个原则,享受你的生活, 照顾好自己的身体,然后帮助其他人享受他们的生活。

每天做一点, 瑜伽,冥想,工作 给自己连接, 给自己爱,感谢自己 ,给自己一些时间,空间和能量,给自己舒缓,充满爱的感觉 “一旦你给自己一些空间,时间和精力去习练瑜伽,你就会知道什么是温柔、什么是爱、什么是照顾自己的感觉。然后你可以与别人分享,分享给家人,朋友,你爱的人,你不认识的人,甚至你讨厌的人,使它成为联结中的瑜伽,与他人的联结,与世界的联结,并让大家最终承认并欣赏一个事实:我们身处同一个宇宙,我们身处爱中。”









For me yoga is a way of life

I live by the first two stages of yoga; yama and niyama

Yama, for me, says to practice and to live in a way which is




Of nourishment and freedom

Gentle is ahimsa

Balanced is satya

Giving, the opposite of taking, is asteya

And for me, brahmacharya means not to, not make love, but rather, to nourish relationships

And aparigraha, non-attachment, means to be free

Niyama means to me the passionate inner quest to remove the obstacles of happiness and loving connection

Saucha is to clean, or for me, it is to remove the obstacles that block movement of energy inside us

We need to tense less

Stretch less

Or make our body move more balanced

Breathe less

Fitness is when you learn to do things by breathing less

Do more things while breathing less

Think less


Focus more

Santosha is sometimes said to be contentment

But actually, it is the choice to feel how you want to feel

Santosha is the choice to be happy

Not to wait to be happy

To recognize that happiness is not something that you wait for but rather happiness is something you choose

And you can choose misery as well

But, happiness is a good choice if you want it

Tapas is not just ardour or austerity

It's more the burning desire

The passionate desire

To do your best

Svadhyaya is not just study

But it is inner study

Study of self

Find out what you're here for

Why we're here

Who we are

Why we are

And ishvara-pranidhana is not just devotion to an external god

But it's the recognition that we're all connected

Connected like a mother and child in love

So for me it's the devotional recognition

The recognition that we live in an ocean of love

So I try and live by three principles:

Enjoy your life

Look after your body

And help other people enjoy their lives

Enjoy your life sounds selfish

But you can enjoy life as a choice

Doesn't matter what you're doing or how you are

Enjoying it is a choice

And it is a good choice

Look after your body

Because without looking after your body you can't do much in your life

And the most important thing perhaps to do with your body

Is to help other people enjoy their lives

And if the world lived like this

The world would be a better place I think

And therefore I think it's our personal commitment

To every day, do something, some personal practice

Your yoga, your meditation, your walk

Whatever you do, some people don't even want to call what they do yoga, but allow that personal time

To connect with yourself

To give some love to yourself

To appreciate yourself

To give some space, time and energy to yourself

So that once you've given to yourself

And you know what gentle, loving, care for yourself feels like

Then you can share it with others

Give it to yourself first

Look after your own body first

Your own health first

And once you've done that, a little bit, every day

Then give it to the world

Share it with your family

Your friends

The people you love

The people you don't know

Even the people you don't like

And make it the most important yoga

The yoga of connection

To connect with others

Connect with the world

And to eventually recognize and appreciate

And make full use of the fact that we're fully connected as one family

One universe, in love

I think this is the most important yoga

