把“去外面吃飯”說成go out to eat,這個翻譯,老師會給零分


把“去外面吃飯”說成go out to eat,這個翻譯,老師會給零分

比如要表達“電池耗盡了”,翻譯成the battery has run out of the electricity,那就太囉嗦了,直接說the battery has run down 就好,因為run down有“耗盡能量”的意思;要表達“留你在家中過夜”翻譯成“leave you home spending the night”,會讓人笑話,直接說put you up就好,put sb up就是“留某人家中住宿”;要表達“頂替某人工作”,說成to do someone's job when they are away,非常囉嗦,直接說cover for sb就好;要表達“與某人鬧翻,吵翻”翻譯成 argue with sb and then no longer be friends again,太長了,直接說fall out with sb 就好。

把“去外面吃飯”說成go out to eat,這個翻譯,老師會給零分

現在我們來學習如何表達“去外面吃飯”。有同學說go out to eat,或者eat outside,或者go outside and find a restaurant to eat,都不太好,老師很容易就給你零分。“去外面吃飯”的地道表達是 eat out。夠簡單吧?是不是沒有想到呢?eat out 可以表示“上館子吃飯,在外用餐”。千萬不要誤以為eat out 是“吃完了”的意思哦。

把“去外面吃飯”說成go out to eat,這個翻譯,老師會給零分

我們通過例句來學習eat out的用法:

We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune


There are those who eat out for a special occasion, or treat themselves


把“去外面吃飯”說成go out to eat,這個翻譯,老師會給零分

說那麼多,又到了歸納總結的時間:耗盡能量 run down;留某人家中住宿 put sb up;頂替某人工作cover for sb;與某人鬧翻 fall out with sb;eat out 在外面吃飯。

