引发心脏病的美国餐厅Heart Attack Grill

引发心脏病的美国餐厅Heart Attack Grill

A restaurant in Las Vegas, The Heart Attack Grill, is famous for its extremely unhealthy food. One of the items on its menu includes the Quadruple Bypass Burger, which has 900 grams of beef and 20 slices of bacon! The restaurant’s slogan is, “Taste Worth Dying For!” But just recently, a customer actually had a heart attack while eating there. He was taken to hospital and survived, thankfully.

引发心脏病的美国餐厅Heart Attack Grill

Now, some doctors want the restaurant closed because they say it promotes unhealthy eating. But owner Jon Basso has refused, saying the doctors just “want to take away our right to have a simple hamburger, a Coke, some fries and enjoy our lives the way we want to.” That’s freedom for you!

引发心脏病的美国餐厅Heart Attack Grill

内华达州拉斯维加斯的一家餐馆Heart Attack Grill的菜单包括如乳脂奶昔和用纯猪油烹制的薯条等心血管破坏性食物。他们的标志性Quadruple Bypass Burger被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为世界上最热的汉堡。Quadruple Bypass包括四个半磅汉堡包,三汤匙猪油,20片培根,八片美国奶酪,20片用猪油烘烤的焦糖洋葱片,八片番茄片,一汤匙蛋黄酱,两汤匙番茄酱,一汤匙芥末和一个面包。它含有惊人的9,982卡路里。

引发心脏病的美国餐厅Heart Attack Grill

