

Outlines for Chapter 1, Section 1




Scarcity and the Science of Economics 短缺经济学

The Fundamental Economic Problem


The fundamental economic problem facing all societies is that of scarcity. Scarcity is the condition that results from society not having enough resources to produce all the things people would like to have.

Economic is the study of how people try to satisfy what appears to be seemingly unlimited and competing wants through the careful use of relatively scarce resources.

Needs and Wants


A need is a basic requirement for survival and includes food, clothing, and shelter.

A want is a way of expressing a need.

“There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch” TINSTAAFL

Three Basic Questions


— WHAT to Produce

— HOW to Produce

Mass production methods in countries where machinery and equipment are widely available can often lower production costs.

— FOR WHOM to Produce

They must be answered as long as there are not enough resources to satisfy people’s seemingly unlimited wants.

The Factors of Production


The factors of production, resources required to produce the things we would like to have, are land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurs,

— Land, includes the “gifts of nature,” or natural resources not created by human effort.

— Capital, Capital goods, includes the tools, equipment, and factories used in production, from financial capital, the money used to buy the tools and equipment used in production.

— Labor, includes people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills. Includes all people except entrepreneurs.

— Entrepreneurs are the innovators responsible for much of the change in economy. They provide the initiative that combines the resources of land, labor, and capital into new products.

[They are needed to organize the other three factors and make sure that everything gets done]

The Scope of Economics Description ,Analysis, Explanation, Prediction

GDP [Gross Domestic Product], dollar value of all final goods and services, and structures produced within a country’s borders in a 12-month period. The most comprehensive measure of a country’s total output and is a key measure of the nation’s economic health.



  • (1)Scarcity 稀缺性,不足,缺乏,短缺
  • (2)Fundamental 基本的,根本的
  • (3)scarce 稀缺的,不足的,短缺的
  • (4)seemingly 看来似乎,表面上看来
  • (5)unlimited 无限量的,无条件的,无限制的
  • (6)compete 竞争,比赛,对抗
  • (7)relatively 相当的,相对的,比较的
  • (8)requirement 要求,必要条件,必须品
  • (9)survival 幸存,残存,幸存物,残存物
  • (10)shelter 庇护,避难所,遮盖物
  • (11)express 表达,快递
  • (12)mass 大量,众多,质量
  • (13) entrepreneur 企业家,承包人,主办者
  • (14)innovator 改革者,创新者
  • (15)prediction 预报,预言


