“chain smoker”什么意思?

A 30-year-old Spirit Airlines passenger on a flight from Detroit to New Orleans recently got himself banned for life after deciding to take a smoke break in the plane's bathroom.

An attendant on Flight NK 985 told a deputy on Tuesday that she saw him take a drag from an e-cigarette and exhale into a bag…


周二,NK 985航班的一名乘务员告诉一名警察,她看到他吸了一口电子烟,然后往一个包里呼气......



smoke break. 抽根烟休息下

take a smoke breakgo for a smoke break

vape - 吸电子烟

Is vaping really less harmful than smoking cigarettes?



secondhand smoke – 二手烟

thirdhand smoke – 三手烟

ashtray – 烟灰缸

bum a smoke – 向别人要一根烟

smoker/non-smoker - 吸烟者/不吸烟的人

smoking section/non-smoking section – 吸烟区/无烟区

chain smoker - 老烟鬼