


You Don't Need Protein Every 2-3 Hours

No, you don't need to consume protein every two hours. Researchers have looked at the activation of muscle-building signals in

response to protein ingestion. But these early studies were done with resting subjects, and their signals to stimulate muscle growth

returned to baseline around 180 minutes after the subjects consumed protein.

This measurement of the time after protein ingestion, known as the "muscle full" effect, gave rise to the idea that if you're chasing

gains, you have to continually top up your protein intake to keep those muscle-building signals flowing.

More recent research has shown that resistance training delays the "muscle full" effect for up to 24-hours after a workout.This

means that the protein you consume all day, not just within a few hours of your workout, plays a role in your hypertrophy.

In terms of when you plan your meals, evidence suggests that eating six or more meals a day doesn't produce demonstrably superior

results or dramatically boost the availability of protein to your body.

