在外企,把“大路货”翻译成big road product,外国客户很茫然


在外企,把“大路货”翻译成big road product,外国客户很茫然

比如,要表达“买得起”,说成be able to duy 也对,中少了点味道,外企一般说afford to buy;要表达“最小起订量”,译成the smallest quantity of order,外企员工会觉得你英语很差,地道的表达是minimum order quantity,简称MOQ;要表达“不受客户欢迎”,过四级的同学可能会说is not popular with clients,意思基本对,还可以说be out of favor with the customers;要表达“与市场不符”,译成 is not the same with the market也不太好,一般都说be out of line with the market level

在外企,把“大路货”翻译成big road product,外国客户很茫然

这样的表达只有在实际英语中,你才体会深刻,不然就觉得无病呻吟。现在我们来讨论如何表达“大路货”。有人说 big road products,外企老板,包括外国客户都表示疑惑,根本不懂说什么。错误的根源是没有理解清楚什么叫做大路货。所谓的大路货指的是“质量一般的货物”可以把“大路货”翻译成“product of average quality”,当然product 也可以换成article,item,commodity,goods等表示“货物”。

在外企,把“大路货”翻译成big road product,外国客户很茫然

我们通过例句学习 product of average quality。

The goods we ordered are of average quality, but you sent us inferior merchandise.


If the company enjoys a good reputation, the products of average quality will sell well.


在外企,把“大路货”翻译成big road product,外国客户很茫然

给产品评级的时候,如果出现fair average quality,表示该产品质量中等,是大路货,简称F.A.Q。好了,我们总结今天的内容:买得起 afford to buy;最小起订量 minimum order quantity;不受客户欢迎 out of favor with the customers;与市场不符 out of line with the market level。

