







Eg: 1、This is the house which we bought last month.


Eg. 2、The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.


先行詞:被定語從句修飾的名詞或代詞。如上面例句和圖中的the team ,the man


關係代詞: that, which, who, whom, whose, as

關係副詞: where, when, why

Eg: [She is the very beautiful girl] [that I love best.]



I. 關係代詞只能用that,而不能用which的情況:

1. 當先行詞為不定代詞。如:

There is nothing (that) I can say about it.

2. 先行詞為形容詞最高級或被形容詞最高級修飾時。如:

This is the best basketball match that I have ever seen.

3. 先行詞被the onlythe very修飾時。如:

The only thing that we can do is to ask our teachers’ help.

Is this the very museum that you visited the other day?

4. 先行詞為序數詞或被序數詞修飾時。如:

The first English film that I saw was “Oliver Twist”.

When foreigners talk about China, the first that comes to mind is the Great Wall.

5. 被修飾的先行詞被any, all, much, no, little, few等修飾時。如:

I am interested in all that you have told me.

There isn’t much that I can do.

He is one of the few that can work it out in five minutes.

6. 先行詞既包含又包含時。例如:

They talked about the factories and workers that they had visited.

7. 先行詞是疑問代詞時。如:

Which is the book that he bought yesterday?

Who that you have ever seen can beat him in the game?

8. 先行詞在邏輯上充當定語從句的表語時。如:

This is no longer the place that it used to be.

He is not the man that he was.

II. 關係代詞只能用which,不用that 的情況:

1. 引導非限制性定語從句時,例如:

She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart to her mouth.

2. 當關系代詞做介詞賓語時,例如:

He wrote a book in which he could learn about his life.



1. who適用於先行詞指人的場合,who在從句中充當主語,在口語體中who也可以充當從句的賓語。例如:

A doctor is a person who / that looks after people’s health.

2. whom也適用於先行詞指人的場合,whom在從句中只能充當賓語。例如:

Mr. White invited many friends to his party (who / whom / that) he respected much.

3. 介詞後關係代詞如指代人,只能用whom,且whom也不可省略:

Nancy is the right person on whom you can depend.


表示人的所有:The girl whose father is a model worker is our monitor.

表示物的所有:I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea.

the +名詞+of + whom (which) 的結構= whose + 名詞,下面兩組中的三個句子意思相同,例如:

A: The river whose banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.

The river of which the banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.

The river the banks of which are covered with trees flows to the sea.

B: There are twenty students, whose backgrounds

are different.

There are twenty students, the backgrounds of whom are different.

There are twenty students, of whom the backgrounds are different.

重難點四:關係代詞which, as引導非限制性定語從句,用於指代整個主句的用法及區別。

1. as的用法

非限制性定語從句的謂語動詞為know, see, suggest, turn out等時,由as引導從句,as指代整個主句,意為“正如”。例如:

He disliked the girl, as was expected.

A fast food restaurant is a place, as the name suggests, where eating is performed quickly.

As it turned out, Mary was the one appointed to the new position.

2. which的用法


They have invited me to diner, which is very kind of them.

3. which, as的區別

which不能置於句首,翻譯成“這,這件事”;as 可以放在句首、句中及句末,翻譯成“正如…”。


具體的地點名詞後可以接where從句,但其他如case, point, situation, condition, job等表示“情況,方面”的名詞也同樣加where從句,這種用法源於“in this case, at this point, in this situation, under the condition”等短語。具體的時間名詞後可接when從句,但如果先行詞為occasion,同樣也加when從句。例如:

There are many cases where this rule does not hold good.

He had to face the conditions where pressure was heavy.

I will show you the point where you fail.

This is a job where you can learn something.

He left his hometown in 2002 since when he has never come back.

People may come across the occasion when they want to say something but forget what they are going to say.


1. 限制性定語從句: 與先行詞關係密切,如果沒有定語從句,主句不完整,且與先行詞之間無逗號,如果後面的定語從句去掉,句子意思顯然不完整。例如:

He asked me a question which was about my study at school.

2. 非限制性定語從句: 對先行詞起補充說明作用,如果刪除,主句意義仍然完整,與先行詞之間有逗號。例如:Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses.

I decided to write about Chaplin, one of whose films I had seen several years before.

3. 必須使用非限制性定語從句的情況:

1) 當先行詞為專有名詞或球類、疾病、學科等獨一無二的事物時。如:

He caught SARS, which threatened people a lot.

Basketball, which is now played in over 100 countries, is the most popular game in the world.

2) 當定語從句由“代詞/數詞/名詞/形容詞比較級、最高級等+of+which/whom”引導時。如:

China has hundreds of islands off its southeast coast, the largest of which is Taiwan.

3) 當定語從句修飾整個主句時。如:

They have invited me to visit their country, which is very kind of them.

They moved the fallen tree, which took them a long time.


例1. As a matter of fact, home accidents are just as common as those we see and hear on the roads, some of________ cause even much more serious consequences.(2016年虹口區一模)


【精析】:定語從句主語不完整,填寫關係代詞代指home accidents

例2. “Many patients specifically choose a city ____ they can enjoy what the place has to offer alongside the treatment,” Helios manager Stefan Boeckle said.(2016年浦東新區一模)

Keys where


例3. These revelations were written down by those ________ were close to him during this time and for several years after his death.(2016年長寧區 一模)



例4. The orchestra began and he played with such passion and such power and such purity (27) ________ they had never heard before.(2016年金山區一模)



例5. The country (36) ______ population of the elderly people has reached a dangerous level, is among the world’s most developed countries.(2016年 閘北區一模)

Keys whose



1.Noarlunga and Payneham, have employed special anti-graffiti offices.Salisbury is among those councils(37)______call on a data bank of volunteers to immediately paint out graffiti “tags”.(黃埔區)


2.His brother was in the business of importing celluloid (合成樹脂) dolls from Japan but the rubber bands ______ held them together would often break and the dolls would be destroyed. (浦東新區)


3.I get more done in those few hours than the rest of the day, ______I’m constantly interrupted. 徐彙區


4.It has created a recycling program for clothes,(28) invites people to bring clothes the no longer want to H&Mstores.Shoppers who donate old clothes can receive(29) discount on new things they buy.閔行區


5. I am so touched by the capacity of love and understanding 32 comes from my children.奉賢區


6. The teacher has to think up new ways of working-getting students to make a film clip, for instance, (36)____ ________ they present a research setup they have thought up themselves, or to respond to someone else's idea, or to work on a document in groups."靜安區

Keys:in which

7.AirBnB sent its customers in Paris an email____39__ advised them to stay in place and follow the directions from local authorities.崇明區


8.Most of the adults I met enjoyed inviting friends, family, neighbors, colleagues and even strangers into their homes, (30) they treat them to food, drink, and a lively hospitable atmosphere. Hosts hurried to serve guests as well and as quickly as possible.普陀區


9.Wine had already been made, generally by the men, (32) were also responsible for pouring it. 普陀區


10.But now, places have been found on earth, (40)________ are in total blackness such as caves several miles beneath the surface. 嘉定區


11.These migrant workers are short of hope and prospect of inherited poverty on the part of their children, (31) ______ is the worst thing for them, according to Cheng. 松江區


12.Unfortunately, some of those students find so many interesting Classes___(29)___ they are not able to decide on a major. 楊浦


13.It was the day___(32)___ its first homemade large passenger aircraft, the C919, was shown to the public in Shanghai. 楊浦區


14.It kept going and going. Figueroa, (28)__________ worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, said that the chain reaction almost lasted for her entire shift. 青浦區


15.That is how Kevin Lo, sales manager at Musclecar GT, describes this company (26) _______ reproduces high-quality parts for classic cars. The average customers are 40-to 60-year-old men from around the world.寶山區)




1 判斷定語從句翻譯考點方法:

1)看關鍵詞:如果關鍵詞給到的是which,as(有時考查讓步狀語從句), who ,where等定語從句連接詞時。





Unusual weather indicates that our living environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from




On the southern bank of the Huangpu River there is a wildlife park/ wild animal zoo, where you can see many

endangered species/animals.(此句中“瀕危動物”如果翻譯為:the animals which are endangered 就不如例






剛學習定語從句的學生往往把它翻譯成 sit next to me the girl is my daughter.


The girl who sits next to me is my daughter.

2 要避免受漢語用法的影響而誤用引導詞,如,

This is all what I did in Africa. (這就是我在非洲所做的一切。)

上述英語句子應改為 This is all that I did in Africa.

What 往往可以翻譯為“所---”,但卻不可引導定語從句。

3 在“有---人做某事”的句式中,容易漏掉引導詞,

There are thousands of visitors visit the Great Wall every year.


上述句子應改為 There are thousands of visitors who visit the Great Wall every year.

或Thousands of visitors visit the Great Wall every year.

4 沒有主句的句子裡不可出現定語從句,如,

Tom, a clever boy, who is twelve years old.(湯姆是個聰明的孩子,今年12歲了。)

應改為 Tom, a clever boy, is twelve years old.



1. 問了快遞人員後,他被告知在網上買的禮物三天後才到上海。(after)(普陀區2016一模)

After asking the delivery man, he was informed the present he bought on the internet would arrive in three days.

2. 政府近來採取了一系列措施治理環境汙染,這些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效。(achieve)


Recently, the government has taken a series of measures to cope with the environmental pollution, which has achieved initial success in some cities.

3.很多國際組織敦促雙方應該保持冷靜以遏制局勢的進一步惡化,但這毫無作用。(urge v.)


Many international organizations urged that both sides should keep calm to stop the situation from getting worse, which did not work at all.


People who often change their jobs and shelters seem to have no sense of safety and lack responsibility.

5.有所得就有所失,我們要意識到這一點。(while) (靜安區2016一模)

Gaining while losing, which we should be aware of.

6. 從顧客的肢體語言,這個售貨員就能知道他想買什麼,這讓那位顧客十分驚訝。(amaze)


From the customer’s body language, the sop assistant can exactly know what he wants to buy, which amaze the customer very much.

7 .許多人喜歡用手機記錄下給他們留下深刻印象的動人瞬間。(impress)(2016寶山一模)

Many people love to record moving moments that impress them deeply with their cellphones.



1.---Is that the small town you often refer to?

---Right, just the one _______ you know I used to work for years. where

2. The author was brought up in a small village in the remote mountain area, _________is described in some of his short stories.as

3. for many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, _____New York is an example.of which

4. The government has revised the budget, 5% of ________ will be used to help develop the small and medium-sized enterprises.which

5. Children who are not active or ________ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.whose

6. The film brought the hours back to me ________ I fought side by side with my fellow soldiers in the Anti-Japanese War.when

7. Sometimes failure is not a bad thing. Even a failure ________ seems total can inspire fresh thinking.that

8. Children usually think of their class teacher as someone ________ they can turn when they are in difficulty.to whom

9. It is the fifth time in this month that Christina has been turned down by the companies she applied to, _______ discourages her a lot.which

10. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm ________ few citizens had ever experienced.as

11. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation ________ he is likely to lose control over the plane.where

12. The singing group was so well received that the size of the audience, _________we had expected, was well over ten thousand.as

13. Who doesn’t hate him _________ knows how cruel he is ?that

14. I’ve become good friends with several of the students in my school ________ I met in the English speech contest last year.who

15. She was educated at Beijing University, ________ she went on to have her advanced study abroad. after which

16. The small-engine cars, ________ fuel and maintenance costs are much lower than those of bigger cars, do give the consumers a lot of convenience.whose

17. She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.when

18. This is a kind of production line ______workers stand and add one part to each car as the assembly line passes.where

19. Mr. Wang, _______ help we visited Tibet last year, was one of the first of the professional guides.with whose

20. That Senior 3 student expressed his wish that he could enjoy a carefree winter holiday, _______, unluckily, was hardly possible.which



Shanghai Disneyland is sure to become a place of interest / a scenic spot / a tourist attraction / destination (which/

that is) worth touring / visiting many times.



Tom missed the movie (which / that) the public speak / spoke highly of not because the movie ticket was not

available but because he met with / came across a traffic jam.

3 讓沒有受過專業培訓的人操縱機器是不負責任的行為。(who)(黃浦區)

It is irresponsible/not responsible to allow someone who hasn’t received/had professional training to operate the machine.

4. 他在一些無關緊要的事上花費太多時間,導致了整個項目的失敗。(lead to)(浦東新區)

He spent too much time on some unimportant / less important things/(in) doing what was unimportant, which led to

the failure of the whole project.


To develop science, we must create an environment which encourages innovation, and we must allow free

exploration (of new things) and advocate academic debate.

6. 為了免受交通擁擠之苦, 越來越多的市民搬到了市郊,享受渴望已久的寧靜生活。(free)(閔行區)

To be free of (from) heavy traffic, more and more citizens move to the suburbs,enjoying a peaceful life (which/that) they have been eager for a long time.

7.趁一切還來得及,去讚美你愛著、關心著的人吧。 (before) (奉賢區)

Compliment (Pay compliments to) those you love and care for/about before it is too late.


As was expected beforehand, many parents who attended the parents’ meeting volunteered to take on the responsibility of campus inspectors.

9. 學習的最大目標是使學生擁有克服困難和持續學習的能力,而不是將他們變成只會應付考試的機器(aim)(閘北區)

The biggest aim of study is to make students own the ability to conquer difficulties and conduct continuous learning instead of changing them into machines that only can handle tests.


