take part in用法區別

attend/join/join in/take part in用法區別

attend/join/join in/take part in 都可表示出席、參加的意思,但用法有所區別:

1、attend 指出席活動、晚會、會議、課程。例如:He did not attend the meeting yesterday.

2、join指加入某個組織黨派、團體,併成為其中的一員。例如:My father joined the party in 1990.

3、join in 指參加某種娛樂、競賽、談話等活動,如We are going to play football.Do you want to join in?

4、take part in 意為參加某種活動(與join in 用法一樣),特別是參加正在進行的活動。如:They all dressde up to take part in the New Year's party.


Tom was so happy to ________his best friend’s wedding.

A join B join in C attend D take part in


