04.15 Kuixinglou Street: Heaven for Foodies, Art Buffs

Looking at the people outside the restaurants waiting for their turns to get a bite, you’ll know how Kuixinglou Street is so popular among young locals and tourists.


The Street has risen to be the most popular complementary location to the Wide and Narrow Alleys, one of the hottest tourist spots in the city, in recent years by molding itself a showcase of gourmet foods and artistic trends, a magnet to tourists to the city and the younger generations.



Unarguably, the two most famous restaurants on the street are Super-in Malatang Traditional Way and Chengdu Chef, specializing in Chuan-chuan and Sichuan homemade cuisine, respectively. The other eateries and small snack shops here attract quite a lot of foodies seeking for local snacks like the Baked Egg Pancakes, chicken's feet, Fried Rice Balls, tender tofu and Ice Jelly.



Local young art lovers like coming to the street because of its artistic environsas exemplified by the Min Tang Studio Community and the NU Café, where they find enjoyable time in salons, displays, gigs, bazaars and cult movies.



明堂外靠近老树的大玻璃房是NU Café(纽咖啡),其特色之一是自助,即除了点单、做成品以外一切的工序都由顾客自助完成,不管是倒水端盘子还是加冰块,自己随意DIY;第二个特色是其美式咖啡无限续杯,甚至可以包月。咖啡厅的户外区域在秋天时节会被银杏的落叶变成一个金色的世界,在难得的暖阳下手捧一杯热乎的咖啡,和好友在此相谈欢聚岂不快哉。

Part of the walls on the sides of the street, painted with elaborate graffiti by young artists, exudes a strong artistic atmosphere and artistic appeal.
