
hum a tune 哼曲子

What tune are you humming, there?你嘴裡哼的是什麼曲子?

classical music 古典音樂

But why do we spend more when there's classical music playing? It makes us feel a bit classy - that's stylish and sophisticated. 但是為什麼播放古典音樂時我們會高消費呢?問得好。古典音樂會讓我們感覺很上檔次,也就是感覺時尚、高級。

manipulate their customers 操控顧客

Bars and restaurants use music to manipulate their customers.酒吧和餐館在用音樂操控顧客。

a fast tempo 快節拍的音樂

Restaurants also use the tempo - or speed - of the music to change people's behaviour. A fast tempo gets customers in and out quickly at busy times.餐廳還會用音樂節奏改變人們的行為。快節拍的音樂會讓顧客在餐廳忙時快速用完餐後離開。

put on music with a slow tempo 播放慢節奏的音樂

So they put on music with a slow tempo to create a more relaxed atmosphere.他們就會播放慢節奏的音樂,營造更加放鬆的氛圍。

bring the romance to this scene with the music 能不能用音樂給這個場景營造一種浪漫的氛圍

A director might come to me and say look, can you help bring the romance to this scene with the music導演可能會過來找我說:“你能不能用音樂給這個場景營造一種浪漫的氛圍。

start blubbing 我就會哭

I'm a sucker for romance. Once the violins start playing, I start blubbing 我總是對浪漫痴迷。只要聽到小提琴的聲音我就會哭。

creat atmosphere in horror films 在恐怖電影中烘托氣氛

And music is crucial - or extremely important - in creating atmosphere in horror films.音樂在恐怖電影中烘托氣氛時很關鍵,或者說極其重要。

create tension and suspense 製造緊張懸疑的氣氛

That's very true. Music is often used to create tension and suspense – or feelings of anxiety and excitement.確實如此。音樂能夠製造緊張懸疑的氣氛,或者說會激發人們緊張興奮的情緒。


