
原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:demon789456 轉載請註明出處

原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:demon789456 轉載請註明出處
For some very strange reasom, i imagine my cat doing kun-fu when i listen to this music.
Antti Martikainen Music
That''s just normal for cats.
Sarge Youkai
@Antti Martikainen Maybe you are right, and thanks for the music by the way, you''r pretty good..
Chaos liu
your cat mean chines panda ?

Like the Great Dragon, we have great wisdom.
We respect our elders, for they are a font of knowledge.
We worship our ancestors and those before, for history has much to teach us.
Like the Great Dragon, we are benevolent.
We share our knowledge, our culture, our writing with others.
Silk, Jade, Porcelain and Paper, our gifts to the world.

Like the Great Dragon, we are humble.
We honor our families and teachers, for what are we without their guidance?
Humility is a virtue, Confucius says. Give your utmost but take no credit.
We are the Descendants of the Dragon.
We have much to be proud of our ancestry. And we shall greet the future with resilience and dignity.
神州 Shenzhou
I was inspired by the epic music and picture and wanted to post something equally epic about ancient China. The eastern dragon was a good symbol to describe Chinese culture and so I likened China to one of its most beloved and respected mythological creatures.
The dragon is a symbol of the emperor and worshiped as a god in Chinese culture. Its long snake-like body represents China''s unbroken lineage through the centuries. According to myth, it has great power over storms and weather but chooses (mostly) not to abuse it over humans.
"Descendants of the Dragon" is a term used to describe Chinese people. I''m Chinese but not from China, but still, I believe we should be proud of our own culture.

I guess you could say Confucius was born at an appropriate time for him to develop his own philosophies amidst the constant conflict. Indeed the core of his teachings is about being a person of virtue, someone others can look up to and emulate. It sounds like you are also well-versed in other religions such as Islam, Buddhism and even Atheism. Many people equate Islam with Terrorism because of ISIS and that is definitely not true. Most Muslims want peace just like us and want nothing to do with ISIS.
I''m honored that you feel that way about me and there''s really no shame in admitting it. People gain respect for each other because of their words and actions and not because of their origins. Some people I know dislike Chinese people because of ingrained stereotypes and a perceived threat due to the rise of China but Chinese are really just ordinary people and shouldn''t be judged solely by the actions of their government.
Raphael Zhou
@A Youtuber It is interesting that some actually consider Confucius as a religion, which it is not. It''s more a methodology of ruling.
神州 Shenzhou
I agree that Confucianism was originally a methodology of ruling. Confucius had hoped to convince the leaders of society to act with virtue and fairness. That way, the people would respect the leader and there wouldn''t be rebellions and so on.
But it can also be considered a religion for various reasons. Outwardly there is the worship of ancestors and various rituals for marriage, funerals etc. The fact that it is not based on the belief of a greater deity doesn''t change the meaning behind the worship.

Ultimately, it depends on one''s view of religion. Religion also preaches a set of values for followers to live by and that is exactly what Confucianism is. Inwardly, most Chinese strive to adhere to the teachings of Confucius the same way Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc, follow their own beliefs.
If religion is supposed to make a better person out of oneself, then Confucianism qualifies as one in that regard. So that''s why some people classify Confucianism as a religion.

Le Serbe Acerbe
Asians are nicer than us europeans lol.

Tristan ZZ
Le Serbe Acerbe you guys also have different histories,for example,Ancient Roma and Greek,medi knights,Napoleonic era and Vikings.
Faint Sherin
I let my carp listen to this, and now it becomes a DRAGON!
Caaros, The King of Chaos
Why do you have a pet carp?
Faint Sherin
arrghh, its supposed to be a joke based on asian mythical flood dragons "Carp jumps over the dragon gate". Since the song is too stimulating, it accelerates the hidden potential of my imaginary pet carp.
Im a Chinese and my tears have went out because of this piece of master work. This theme music has made a scenario that put me as a war general who is commanding 60 legions ! Finally, one epic music has came out and its got nothing to do with Kungfu ! Kung-fu is one way to express the heroic spiritual thing in individual but its too shallow to presenting the whole culture. Discipline and sacrifice for the greater good is our tags too !! it''s the country explained "The art of War "by Sun Tzu in books in B.C500 after all. Thank you @Antti Martikainen for your great work !!!
Im from originally from Ethiopia but lived in the US since i was a kid. my older brother lives in China & i love china culture.. Very respectful & well mannered human beings.. I also love this piece of music ??
This sounds like Sun Tzu going over his lavished battle plans and those plans coming to life from brush strokes.

I have this as my alarm in the morning
Jacinthe Le''bourdon
I would not wake up, I would keep sleeping to epic kung-fu dreams lol

wario stalin
@Peter Wong yes i did
Renhua Luo
Renhua Luo
@Peter Wong Hey me too. but the music climaxes at the part where American rises unfortunately
