






既然是MMP-2在作怪,那麼把MMP-2去掉,瘦素信號是否就能正常傳導了?研究者利用病毒注射敲除下丘腦中MMP-2(Mmp-2 - / -),之後餵食高脂飲食,果不其然,與未感染的小鼠或用野生型受體感染的小鼠相比,小鼠體重增加的速率明顯的較小。看來,MMP-2果真是“作案兇手”。那麼,MMP-2又為何會上升呢?按照常理,背後總會有大大Boss。





Obesity and related morbidities pose a major health threat. Obesity is associated with increased blood concentrations of the anorexigenic hormone leptin; however, obese individuals are resistant to its anorexigenic effects. We examined the phenomenon of reduced leptin signaling in a high-fat diet–induced obesity model in mice. Obesity promoted matrix metalloproteinase–2 (Mmp-2) activation in the hypothalamus, which cleaved the leptin receptor’s extracellular domain and impaired leptin-mediated signaling. Deletion of Mmp-2 restored leptin receptor expression and reduced circulating leptin concentrations in obese mice. Lentiviral delivery of short hairpin RNA to silence Mmp-2 in the hypothalamus of wild-type mice prevented leptin receptor cleavage and reduced fat accumulation.

In contrast, lentiviral delivery of Mmp-2 in the hypothalamus of Mmp-2-/- mice promoted leptin receptor cleavage and higher body weight. In a genetic mouse model of obesity, transduction of cleavage-resistant leptin receptor in the hypothalamus reduced the rate of weight gain compared to uninfected mice or mice infected with the wildtype receptor. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that astrocytes and agouti-related peptide neurons were responsible for Mmp-2 secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet. These results suggest a mechanism for leptin resistance through activation of Mmp-2 and subsequent cleavage of the extracellular domain of the leptin receptor.


  1. Mazor R, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Alsaigh T, Kleifeld O, Kistler EB, Rousso-Noori L, Huang C, Li JB, Verma IM, Schmid-Schonbein GW. Cleavage of the leptin receptor by matrix metalloproteinase-2 promotes leptin resistance and obesity in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2018;10

