

About COVID-19

1. 不明原因肺炎



Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

Pneumonia of unknown cause is a medical term coined by the Chinese health authorities for timely detection and treatment of SARS, human avian influenza and other infectious pneumonia. Patients of pneumonia of unknown cause have the following clinical signs and symptoms: fever (axillary temperature is 38 degrees centigrade or higher), imaging features of pneumonia, decreasing or normal leukocyte count or decreasing lymphocyte count in the early stage of the disease, and no significant improvement or even progressive aggravation after standard anti-microbial treatment for three to five days.

In December 2019, more than one case of viral pneumonia of unknown cause was reported in Wuhan. On December 31, Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced that the clinical pictures of recent cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause” were mainly fever, and a small number of patients had breathing difficulties and infiltration in both lungs. The earliest onset of the disease was on December 8, 2019. On January 7, 2020, the pathogen of this pneumonia virus was identified as “novel coronavirus.”

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Wuhan quickly took strict prevention and control measures, including case finding, isolation, admission to designated hospitals, medical observation of close contacts, and emergency monitoring. The principle of “early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment” was also resolutely implemented.

2. 病毒檢測實驗



Viral Infection Test

Rapid and accurate detection of the virus is the key to epidemic prevention and control. On December 31, 2019, the High-level Expert Group of the NHC was dispatched to Wuhan, who soon identified that the pathogen of this particular viral pneumonia case was a novel coronavirus.

The NHC immediately established a “daily report and zero report” mechanism throughout the country, and distributed novel coronavirus nucleic acid testing kits, requiring all localities to reinforce testing, make every effort to treat patients, and update the public about the confirmed cases and progress in epidemic prevention and control without delay. At that time, nucleic acid detection was the main basis for the diagnosis of the novel coronavirus pneumonia.

On January 22, the NHC announced that negative nucleic acid test results cannot rule out novel coronavirus infection, and various factors that may falsely produce negative results still need to be considered.

The NHC also sent work teams to different provinces and equivalent administrative regions to guide epidemic prevention and control efforts.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government took the initiative to inform the WHO and relevant countries of the developments of the epidemic and progress in epidemic control, and immediately shared the gene sequence of the novel coronavirus with the WHO.

3. 新冠病毒成功分離



Successful Isolation of a Novel Coronavirus

The isolation of virus strains helps to speed up the development of rapid diagnostic reagents, which is of great significance for the development of vaccines and drugs. After cases of pneumonia by unknown cause occurred in Wuhan, the Chinese government quickly deployed the work of virus analysis, research and development of testing reagents and vaccine development.

After receiving the samples, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention obtained positive results of real-time fluorescence RPA in 3 hours and full-length genomic sequence of the virus in 24 hours. On January 4, 2020, a high specific detection reagent was successfully developed. On the evening of January 7, a novel coronavirus was successfully isolated from clinical samples and environmental samples, and the information about the first novel coronavirus strain in the world was released on January 24. After that, Zhong Nanshan’s team separated novel coronavirus from the feces and urine samples of confirmed patients, which has an important warning and guiding significance for public health security.

The WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 held a press conference on February 24, and announced that the host of the novel coronavirus has not yet been determined, the novel coronavirus is a new pathogen, and people of all ages have no immunity and are generally susceptible to infection.

4. 啟動Ⅰ級響應



First-Level Public Health Emergency Response Activated

According to the nature, severity and scope of impact, public health emergencies are classified into four levels (I, II, III and IV), with severity decreasing from Level I to Level IV. The novel coronavirus epidemic is a public health emergency with the fastest spread and the widest range of infections, and has been the most difficult to prevent and control in China since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949.

“Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.” On January 23, 2020, Wuhan’s urban bus, subway, ferry and long-distance passenger transportation was all suspended, and the departure channels of airport and railway stations were also temporarily closed.

On January 24, Hubei province officially launched the first-level response to major public health emergency. Across China, a total of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government took similar actions and made comprehensive preparation for joint prevention and control of the epidemic.

Consequently, the NHC urged transportation, civil aviation, railway and other departments to formulate emergency response plans. It also worked with the Ministry of Finance and jointly devised policies on allocating funds in support of epidemic prevention and control. As phased results are achieved, the overall situation of the epidemic has shown a positive trend in China. To ensure progress with both epidemic control and production, many places have appropriately lowered their emergency response levels according to the local situation.

5. 病死率



Case Fatality Rate

The case fatality rate refers to the proportion of people or animals who die from a disease to the total number of patients or animals suffering the disease within a certain period of time, which is used to describe the severity of a particular disease.

On February 4, the NHC announced that by 24:00 of February 3, the case fatality rate of COVID-19 in China had been controlled at 2.1%, which was lower than that of SARS (with a global case fatality rate of 11%) and higher than that of H1N1 (1%-1.5%).

On the evening of February 24, the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 announced at its news conference that, approximately 80% of laboratory confirmed patients had mild to moderate diseases, 13.8% had severe disease and 6.1% were critical, and the case fatality rate in China was 3% to 4%, 0.7% with the exception of Wuhan; and as of February 20, the median age of confirmed cases was 51, with 80% of cases aged between 30-69 years, and 78% were from Hubei.

With traditional Chinese medicine, chloroquine phosphate, convalescent plasma therapy adopted into the diagnosis and treatment guidelines, and with Favipiravir, Remdesivir and other drugs heading into the phase of clinical research, sustainable progress has been made in the treatment of COVID-19. Xu Nanping, vice minister of science and technology, said that the vaccine is currently being developed in multiple approaches, some of which have entered animal testing phases and will be submitted for clinical trials as early as late April.

6. 世界衛生組織專家組赴武漢考察



Field Visits of WHO Experts to Wuhan

From January 20 to 21, the WHO sent a team of experts to Wuhan to investigate the outbreak and communicate with their Chinese counterparts about virus infectivity, severe cases and infection source. The WHO experts confirmed human-to-human transmission of the epidemic and infection among medical personnel.

WHO appreciated China’s initiative to report epidemic information and share the genetic sequence of the virus, approved the strong and effective measures taken by the Chinese government in a very short time, and praised China’s rapid research and identification of new types of viruses. It also recognized China’s progress in medical research in recent years.

On February 16, the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 began their field visits in Beijing, Guangdong and Sichuan. The team brought together authorities from a number of institutions around the world in the fields of epidemiology, virology, clinical management, epidemic control and public health. On February 22, the experts went to Wuhan to continue inspection. They worked with Chinese epidemiologists to investigate the source of the virus and try to confirm whether the virus had stopped spreading from animals to humans.


International Aid

1. 蓋茨夫婦:用慈善拯救世界



Bill and Melinda Gates: Saving the World with Charity

On January 27, the Gates Foundation, co-founded by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, committed $5 million in emergency funds to support China’s fight against the epidemic. Subsequently, the Foundation committed up to $100 million for the global response to the novel coronavirus. The donation will be used to assist the WHO, Chinese frontline responders and others at the global and national levels, part of it will be directed to help China accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics.

Bill Gates sent a special letter to President Xi Jinping, praising the performance of the Chinese government and people in fighting the virus, and expressing his firm support for China to defeat the epidemic.

In his reply to Bill Gates on February 20, Xi Jinping thanked him and the Gates Foundation for their support, and called for enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community to combat the epidemic. Xi also mentioned that, mankind is a community with a shared future, and unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon to prevail over a disease that threatens all; the Foundation has been quick in joining the global action and has played an active role in the global response against the outbreak; and he supports the Gates Foundation’s cooperation with relevant Chinese institutions, and looks forward to enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community for the sake of health and well-being of all.

2. 韓國:向12城市捐贈物資



The ROK: Donating Goods to 12 Chinese Cities

On February 11, the Seoul Metropolitan Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) donated 1,000 sets of medical protective suits, 500 goggles, 90 medical masks, 30 portable thermal imaging cameras and others, with a total value of 600 million won (about 3.53 million yuan), to 12 cities including Beijing and Chongqing. It also said that it would continue to provide masks for civilian use and other materials as appropriate to help China fight against the epidemic.

In a video message, Mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon expressed his thanks to Beijing for sending a special mission to help Seoul when the city was mired in the MERS epidemic. He hoped China could overcome the current difficulties as soon as possible, and looked forward to Seoul and its Chinese sister cities helping each other in the predicament and deepening friendship.

On February 15, the Seoul Metropolitan Government began broadcasting short videos supporting China’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic in public buildings such as the City Hall, Gwanghwamun and several other subway stations, as well as elevators of more than 70 relevant institutions. The civilians of Seoul also showed their support. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies put up a banner saying “Stay strong Wuhan, stay strong China.” Sungkyun Institute of China Studies of Sungkyunkwan University donated 3 million won (about 18,000 yuan) and sent a letter of sympathy.

According to preliminary statistics, the ROK government and private donations have exceeded 150 million yuan. President Moon Jae-in said that the ROK and China are friendly neighbors, and his country will take China’s difficulties as theirs. His country will spare no effort in assisting and coordinating with China to fight the epidemic together, and promote further development of bilateral relations.

The mutual support and assistance between China and the ROK in the face of difficulties reflects the two countries’ common cultural background and friendly tradition, and shows the affection of neighborhood and righteousness of friends which enable the two countries to work together to build a global community of shared future.

3. 新加坡:拒絕歧視與仇華




Singapore: Say NO to Discrimination and Sinophobia

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, many countries have in different ways expressed their support and assistance to China in fighting the epidemic. However, some media and individuals in a very small number of countries have used unfriendly and even humiliating words and acted in hatred toward China, and some overseas Chinese nationals have faced provocation and discrimination.

On February 1, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered a speech in Chinese at the Spring Festival Dinner in Ang Mo Kio. He addressed the recent bubbling of anti-China or anti-Chinese sentiment, saying that the COVID-19 epidemic is a public health event, not a matter of country or race, and the anti-Chinese sentiment is foolish and illogical.

He noted that China is doing its best to contain the virus, anti-China is not helpful to the fight against the outbreak, and all countries must work together to defeat the epidemic. In particular, Lee Hsien Loong praised that China has imposed its own travel restrictions, including canceling all outbound tour groups and bringing back Hubei residents from overseas, and what China is doing is responsible.

Vivian Balakrishnan, foreign minister of Singapore, also said that China has responded to the epidemic with a highly responsible approach and measures rarely seen around the world, sharing information with the international community immediately after the outbreak and providing valuable help to Singapore and other countries in dealing with the epidemic.

Panic and repulsion are worse than the virus. Senior Singaporean officials have publicly expressed their firm confidence in China’s victory over the epidemic and extended a helping hand to China. This has reflected the tradition of China and Singapore helping each other in difficult times, and their friendship has been deepened in the battle against the virus. Cooperation between the two countries will certainly get a new expansion after the epidemic.


Brave Fighters

1. 張繼先:疫情上報“第一人”




Zhang Jixian: the First Doctor to Report Novel Coronavirus

Zhang Jixian is director of the Respiratory and Intensive Care Unit of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. She was a member of the Expert Group of Jianghan District of Wuhan during the SARS outbreak in 2003. With an extremely acute professional awareness, Zhang was the first person to make the correct diagnosis and insist on reporting the epidemic to the higher authorities. She was the first to sound the alarm for the prevention of the virus.

On December 27, 2019, Zhang Jixian was surprised to find that three of her patients – the parents and the son – had similar CT images of their lungs. As the results of various influenza-related tests on these three patients were all negative, she immediately alerted the hospital chief to this situation, who forwarded her report to the Jianghan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In the following two days, the hospital received another three patients with similar symptoms and lung photos, and Zhang reported this to the hospital again, thus becoming the first doctor to report the COVID-19 epidemic.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, Zhang was responsible for the treatment of critically ill patients with a very heavy workload. She arrived at the hospital at 7:30 every morning, knowing that a hectic schedule awaited her to make the rounds of the wards and formulate diagnosis and treatment schemes. She was often heavily occupied until after 10 o’clock at night.

Due to her timely discovery and adequate preparation, no medical staff in Zhang’s department has been infected with the virus and no cross-infection has occurred among her patients. Zhang was awarded a merit for her outstanding performance in the fight against the epidemic on February 4 by the Human Resources and Social Security Department and the Health Committee of Hubei Province.

2. 朱國超:至親感染卻衝在戰“疫”最前線



Zhu Guochao: Battling on the Front Line As Her Family Members Infected

Zhu Guochao is director of the Intensive Care Unit of Wuhan Sixth Hospital. On January 25, her hospital was designated for febrile patients. It has received nearly 600 COVID-19 patients with severe conditions, and the 12 cases in the ICU are aged with underlying conditions. As the ICU director, Zhu was heavily overloaded and worked more than 12 hours a day. As some critically ill patients could not eat, she braved the risk of getting infected, and inserted nasogastric tubes for them to provide necessary nutrition.

During that period, her mother-in-law, father-in-law and husband were successively infected with the virus and were received by her hospital. But she could only manage to look after them for a while at lunchtime. Her 77-year-old mother-in-law died from the disease on January 30. Zhu endured grief and remained on the forefront.

On February 3, after working on her post for a month, Zhu received the good news that her husband was cured and about to be discharged. She specially asked for three hours’ leave to pick up her husband. At the gate of the hospital, she said, “Let’s take a picture here to commemorate your rebirth!”

3. 英雄機長劉傳健:主動請纓運送醫護人員和相關物資



Liu Chuanjian: the Hero Pilot Volunteering to Fly the Relief Mission

Liu Chuanjian is deputy general manager of the Flight Training and Management Department of Sichuan Airlines. He was once command pilot of the Chongqing Branch. He is called “hero pilot” and “China’s Captain Sully,” and his story has been turned into a moving movie The Chinese Pilot.

On May 14, 2018, while he was piloting Flight 3U8633 from Chongqing to Lhasa, the right front windshield of the cockpit suddenly cracked. In spite of an extremely low temperature, lack of oxygen, strong wind and deafening noise, Liu and his crew manually operated the aircraft and made an emergency landing in Chengdu, ensuring the safety of all 119 passengers on board and creating a miracle in the history of civil aviation.

On February 2, 2020, Sichuan dispatched 120 medical workers to assist Hubei. Liu Chuanjian had applied to fly the mission, “This is a normal flight, and an arduous task. We will live up to our mission and return safely.” He flew the mission again on February 9 and successfully transported the sixth batch of Sichuan’s medical personnel to Hubei.

4. 武漢快遞小哥汪勇:組織志願者接送醫護人員



Wang Yong: a Courier Volunteer

Wang Yong is a native courier of Wuhan born in the 1980s. Affected by the epidemic, many express delivery companies suspended their services during the Spring Festival. On the evening of January 24, Wang read a message posted on WeChat by a nurse at Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan. Learning that due to traffic restrictions and the suspension of buses and subways, many medical workers could not go home after the night shift, Wang volunteered to take them to and from work.

On the first day, he offered help to more than a dozen medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital. But he felt one person’s strength was still small, so he posted messages on WeChat looking for more volunteers to help solve the travel problems of medical workers. He also contacted a couple of restaurants and food producers and helped them deliver free box lunches to health care workers.

Wang has helped more than 1,000 medical workers with their commuting and dining problems. “I have no resources. I am grateful to other volunteers and businesses that have offered help. Everyone is working hard. I am just one of them,” he said.

5. 袁傳偉:一個人扛起整條生產線




Yuan Chuanwei: a One-Man Production Line

Yuan Chuanwei is in charge of production in a precision equipment company located in Suzhou, Jiangsu province. On January 26, while staying in his hometown of Yancheng for the Spring Festival, Yuan received an urgent order from Wuhan for the parts of hydrogen peroxide sterilization equipment. He was told that due to the serious epidemic, Hubei’s hospitals desperately needed hydrogen peroxide disinfectors.

Yuan immediately contacted relevant authorities and completed the procedures for resuming production. Then he found he was the only worker at the factory. Others had all returned home for family reunion and were currently required to quarantine at home, which meant they could not return to work.

From the night of January 27 on, Yuan lived and worked non-stop in the workshop, only taking a nap on the sofa when tired. Normally it would take five employees to complete 200 sets in 15 days, but Yuan alone fulfilled the order in 16 days. The parts he produced were soon assembled into hydrogen peroxide sterilization equipment by his partner and sent to the frontline of Hubei. Single-handedly, Yuan ran the whole production line all by himself.

As more factories successively resumed production and the shortage of materials was solved, Yuan received more orders. “The work is tiring, but the pain is way better than that of the epidemic,” he said.

6. 汶川村民:自發支援武漢100噸蔬菜




Wenchuan Quake Survivors: Donating 100 Tons of Vegetables in Return

After the earthquake in 2008, more than 100 injured people in Wenchuan county of Sichuan were sent to Wuhan for free treatment. Thanks to the care of medical workers, the injured quake survivors were all cured, with no mortality, no infection and no after-effects.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, the people in Wenchuan have been greatly concerned about the situation in Wuhan. On February 4, Zhao Yong, CPC branch secretary of Longzhu village, and 11 villagers drove 36 hours and arrived in Wuhan. The six trucks of theirs were fully loaded with 100 tons of fresh vegetables, which were donated by their villagers to nine hospitals in Wuhan and the medical teams coming from other parts of the country to help the city. On the trucks hung banners bearing slogans saying, “Love from Wenchuan, Stay strong Wuhan.”

When the villagers went to purchase the vegetables, the growers said generously, “Pick whatever you want, free of charge, just bring them to Wuhan for me.” In return for their generosity, the people in Wuhan presented protective equipment to the villagers and disinfected the trucks for their safety.

