手把手教您如何跟夢校表白!「附“Love Letter”範文」

被放Wating List, 用Love Letter來幫忙轉正

3月中旬了,美國大學正在陸續發放錄取結果,很多家長和同學的心也跟著被牽動起來了,而如果被放到Waiting List,對於很多同學來說,意味著更加的波折或困擾。那當我們遇到這種情況的時候,又該怎麼辦呢?一份合情合理的Lover Letter無疑是最好的處理方式,也是同學們要有意識去做的,如果能把握好時機並“表白”得當,它往往就是最後的臨門一腳,能幫助你敲開夢校的大門!

為什麼設置Waiting List?

Waiting List 最直接的目的是學校為了保證每年的入學率。一般來說,每個院校的規模都有嚴格控制的,學校往往發放offer的數量會高於自己的招生規模以此來保證入學率,但是由於同學們申請的時候往往會同時申請多所院校,那麼對於競爭力不足夠強的項目,其入學率就有可能保證不了。於是,當學校發現實際的入學率很可能低於預估的比率,就希望能找到更多的學生來填補,所以部分院校會設置Waiting List來確保最終的入學率。

做任何事情都是基於目標的,Love letter 更像一封寫給Dream school的表白信或一篇why essay, 向夢校展示自己對所申項目的嚮往,接下來主要談談具體的Writing Tips,並提供Writing Template供大家參考:

Writing Tips:

1. 表達很榮幸被放在Waiting List 並表示感謝(表明該項目是自己的first choice);

2. 表達出自己對院校極大的興趣和熱情(需要跟院校價值觀相符);

3. 表達自己為什麼非常適合這個項目(最好有新的實證);

4. 表達自己為了該項目做出了哪些針對性的努力(例如自己學了Python…);

Writing Template:

Love Letter for Being Placed on the Waiting List

Dear Admissions Officer (or the Admissions Officer whose name was on the original waitlist letter):

Hi, I’m xxx. I applied for your xxxx program this year. I’m placed on the waitlist right now. I am writing just to let you know that your esteemed program is my first choice even though I have received offers from xxx university and xxx university.

First, I think I could be a right candidate to your program since I long to fulfill the mission of the Columbia Business School (take Columbia as an example) - to be a leader who creates value for stakeholders and society at large in the future. I have learned the concept of values, morality, as well as cultural beliefs and upbringing in all areas of business at the Business Ethics class I took during college, and truly understand the significance of doing business for the greater good.

Also, I am aware that the xxx program requires a strong quantitative background. To strengthen my programming skills, I am currently taking the python class on XXX (platform like Coursera) and am confident that I could catch up with the class by fall.

Columbia University has been my dream school for a long time. I wish I still have the chance to join the big family and become a proud member of the Columbia alumni someday.

Thank you for your consideration.
