BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星

BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星

BO Shanghai has retained their star in the Shangh

由傳奇名廚梁經倫Alvin Leung領軍的廚魔團隊,旗下主理位於外灘五號的終極中餐 BO Shanghai,在今年的上海米其林指南中,再度獲得全球頂尖食評的讚賞,在美食聖殿級寶典中搶下一星殊榮。廚魔團隊這支勁旅中,廚魔本人持續獨佔全球華人持星最多寶座,DeAille Tam亦是中國地區獲星的唯一女主廚。

Led by the legendary Three Michelin starred chef Alvin Leung or the Demon Chef has once again been acknowledged by the Michelin inspectors as one of the leaders in contemporary Chinese cuisine. That leaves Chef Alvin Leung on the forefront of Michelin Stars for a Chinese chef. Chef DeAille Tam remains the only Michelin Starred female chef nationwide.

BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星


BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星

梁經倫Alvin Leung

BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星

DeAille Tam

Bo Shanghai 企劃源起廚魔團隊身為面向中國市場的華僑情懷,帶著一身嚴謹精確的技藝,以誠摯的心情重新研究中國八大菜系的可能性,研究精品中餐的未來樣貌。開業一路市場話題不斷,在追求頂級的上海餐飲市場引起各種衝擊與驚歎,同時亦備受世界頂級精品、媒體、執行層、事務所級單位所愛戴,每每於此安排其重要貴賓或發佈活動。

Bo Shanghai’s initiative is dedicated to the advancement of Chinese cuisine in the global outlook through collaborative menus involving a variety partner countries. Since the inception of Bo Shanghai two years ago, the brand has remained at the top of the market. BO Shanghai has acquired advocation from worldwide luxury brands, media, executives and firm clientele.

BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星


BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星


Bo Shanghai的概念獨特,菜品亦亮點滿滿,廚魔團隊因應市場需求或個人靈感,信手捻來各路跨界搭配,除了跨界的原點八大菜系出發以外,圍繞生肖、星座發想的快閃菜單,也給追求亮點的中國餐飲,掀起一波波驚歎。

The team will always strive to innovate and to delight our guests in the future through the continued diligence of all of the restaurant staff.

BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星


BO Shanghai 廚魔團隊衛冕2019上海米其林一星



We will continue to strive for the best experience possible for our guests and are always striving for better results as we continue to develop here in China.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and patronage over the course of our existence here, we wish to see you all again very soon.

