













以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)关于中国人喝咖啡的相关评论,配有中文翻译喔。

Shanghai thirsts for more Chinese, less foreign, coffee

American coffeehouse chain that has multiplied like wild fungus in the Chinese mainland over the past two decades. According to USA Today, a new Starbucks branch opens somewhere in China every 15 hours, which is even faster than KFC and Pizza Hut.


I used to be quite pleased about Starbucks' omnipresence here, as Chinese cafes such as U.B.C. Coffee just didn't do it for me. But the more Starbucks expanded, the more I spent; and believe it or not, Starbucks is actually more expensive in China than in Western countries, according to CCTV, due to its strategic positioning as a "luxury" beverage targeting upper-class Chinese consumers (ironically, in the US, Starbucks is considered the McDonald's of coffee).


There are now so many Starbucks in Shanghai - 600 locations according to their website, making it the city with the largest number of the chain's cafes globally - that in some parts of the city there are two competing (a recent QZ article refers to this as "cannibalizing") branches just a hop, skip and jump away from each other. On Nanjing Road West, for instance, the newly opened 2,700-square-meter Starbucks Reserve Roastery is directly across the street from a normal-sized Starbucks.


To be honest, I always found Starbucks' whole "shove our product down their gullets" marketing approach in China to be quite, um, distasteful. For thousands of years, China was strictly a tea-drinking culture, which benefited them health-wise (green tea is considered the healthiest beverage in the world after water itself) and in terms of longevity (green tea has many anti-aging properties). If you've ever seen a 90-year-old Chinese villager plowing a field like he was still 19, you can bet he has been drinking green tea his whole life.


Coffee, meanwhile, is a scientifically proven highly addictive stimulant. Combined with all the artificial sweeteners and fatty creams that Starbucks mixes in to make it palatable, it adds up to a rather unhealthy drink. I myself am proof positive that coffee is addictive - and fattening. So I actually feel sorry for all the millions of Chinese people who have allowed this foreign mega-corporation to pull them off healthy, affordable green tea and hooked on their expensive, extrinsic product.


I get it: young, stylish middle-class Chinese like to be seen buying a 40-yuan ($5.86) mochachocolatayaya-ccino. In their eyes, Starbucks is a fashionable "lifestyle" brand that makes them look chic and trendy on their Weibo and WeChat posts. For Chinese who grew up on tea, suddenly switching to coffee was more about appearance than taste, and that's exactly what Starbucks was banking on.


But after 19 years of near-monopolization in the Chinese mainland (58 percent of China's coffee market in 2016, according to research firm Euromonitor International), it was high time for a worthy domestic contender to give Starbucks a run for their money. Enter Luckin Coffee, a Beijing-based rival that launched last October and has expanded rapidly into Shanghai and elsewhere with aggressive media marketing and steep customer discounts. Integral to Luckin's model is express delivery: half of its 800 outlets are mere kitchens solely for fulfilling online orders.


Starbucks, which considers its aggravatingly long lines as a sort of status symbol, never saw this coming. In fact, app-based F&B businesses and online meal ordering are now all the rage in Shanghai and Beijing, which gives Luckin a leg up. So much so that, following Luckin's explosive success (over 18 million cups of coffee sold in nine months, according to thebeijinger.com), Starbucks China scrambled to partner with Alibaba Group's Ele.me unit to also do coffee deliveries, according to a recent South China Morning Post article.


Starbucks has opened more than 3,000 stores in China and plans for 5,000 within the next four years, according to the New York Times, but Luckin's on-demand delivery model could be a game-changer for China's 100 billion yuan per-year coffee market. It may even cause some Starbucks branches to shut down, which I would not shed any tears over. After all, competition drives innovation, and with Shanghai positioning itself as China's new innovation capital, the best thing for this city and its millions of new coffee addicts would be less foreign monopolies and more homegrown start-ups.


The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Global Times.


原文: Annabel Eaton

翻译:Wang Han

图:Lu Ting、网络

