

供應鏈的數字化呼喚網絡安全意識 - 從NotPetya襲擊事件看供應鏈網絡安全問題







Supply chain cybersecurity threats may rise in 2018One of the biggest cybersecurity stories of 2017 was the NotPetya attack, which memorably hit shipping giant A.P. Moller - Maersk, causing it to shut down operations at 76 port terminals in four countries around the world. The attack caused delays and disruptions that lasted weeks and ultimately cost the company more than US$2 million.According to the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, this type of cyberattack should not be viewed as a one-time fluke. In its "Foresights 2018" special report, Booz Allen predicts that companies will see more of these types of cyberthreats in the coming year.What made NotPetya different from other cybersecurity attacks is that it originated not with Maersk but as an attack on the Ukrainian tax software M.E.Doc, which then spread through compromised networks. Booz Allen describes these types of cybersecurity risks as "indirect supply attacks," where cybercriminals infiltrate a small software provider or other supplier that operates within the supply chain of a much larger company. The ultimate target is not the original compromised company but larger Fortune 500 companies.Another cybersecurity trend that supply chain managers should be aware of is extortion attacks on industrial control systems (ICS). In these cases, hackers gain access to a manufacturer's ICS and demand that the company pay a ransom to prevent or mitigate any disruptions to operations. Automakers Nissan and Renault and pharmaceutical company Merck all experienced such attacks in 2017. In addition, there have been incidents of Eastern European criminals who have used such techniques against chemical manufacturing facilities, according to the report.However, the report suggests that these types of threats will not be widespread. To successfully carry out such attacks, criminals will need to know not only how to gain access to a control system but also how to target the process being controlled. "Attacks of this nature will likely be beyond the reach of most cybercriminals and be limited to a small, niche group of technically savvy actors," says the report.文章來源:Supply Chain Quarterly

2 為何供應鏈安全應是企業間強有力的












Why Supply Chain Security Should be a Strong LinkThe recent NCSC report underlines an all-too-common refrain for UK PLC – the cyber-threat to businesses is growing. The security sector may have grown a thick skin to such warnings, however to hear it from a Government body with access to a unique picture of the threat landscape, means companies should take heed.There was a third emerging problem which NCSC saw fit to highlight, which is that of supply chain threats. Reading between the lines, this is a warning that not only should the UK expect a higher volume of attacks, but also ones with an increased amount of planning.The increased outsourcing of non-core company functions has created fertile ground for the growth of this threat. Nowhere is this trend more evident than with technology outsourcing. The raft of sensitive enterprise data tasks now handled by MSPs with privileged access to critical systems is a particular area for concern. All it takes is a single backdoor, an insecure remote connection or even a rogue employee and your data can quietly walk out the door.Given this, what can companies do to sharpen up their approach? The management of a disparate set of suppliers is a problem that takes more than just technology to resolve. It should be a procedural and cultural shift in the way any large business does business with the outside world.Firstly, assess risk. You will already understand what your critical assets are, so map which have exposure to such attacks and prioritize these. Anywhere that suppliers have a gateway into sensitive data, or control systems if you are overseeing an infrastructure asset, needs to be considered. Think like an attacker, be creative.Once this is captured, a small focused group could be appointed with a broad range of skills that sits outside the purely technical, for example representatives from legal and procurement. Working with this team, assess current suppliers and review the security posture of each and where they have access to networks or data.Again, be creative. Whilst technical teams will often have a tight grasp of how their data is secured, this may throw up some eyebrow raising moments from how other business functions share company information.Only after this phase will you have a full view of current exposure. Work closely with suppliers to communicate a set of standards which need to be applied to secure interactions. It is important that this is not done in a dictatorial way, as the smaller businesses that make up your supplier base can see this as time-consuming and difficult, so helping them understand the shared risk is important. For this reason, these rules should be flexible based upon resource supplier-side.Finally, bake this process into all future supplier on-boarding. Whilst the up-front work to assess risk is intensive, building standards into future contracts means it becomes part of the way you do business. This will minimize exposure from the very start of all engagements.However, it is important not to become complacent. The standards created should be agile enough to respond to emerging attacks and the fluid nature of technology brought into your organization. All security policies date. In addition, security teams should also ensure threat monitoring technology is augmented to watch for supply chain risk, monitoring network traffic for data exfiltration and automating management of shadow IT and software.On the face of it, the supply chain risk can seem daunting. Security teams see managing their own estate as a game of continually plugging different holes, so the thought of having to do so across the entire supplier base looks like a tall order. However, with the right processes, close communications with suppliers and some small technical improvements, it doesn’t have to be. It is a risk point that needs to be considered, not least because your adversaries probably already are. 文章來源:https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com









在Digtial Guardian最近的一篇文章中描述,通過對23名信息安全專家進行了採訪,並提出相應的意見建議,以避免遭受商業、供應商和第三方的網絡供應鏈風險。



The Cyber Security of Supply Chains: Who’s the real risk, Man or Machine?The digital transformation of the global supply chain has brought us mind-boggling innovations: complex big data storage, artificially intelligent beings, a connection of the physical and cloud, an emergence of predictive analytics, e-purchasing, e-sourcing, a transcendence of logistical efficiency and much more.While we marvel at the technology that has been implemented into the day-to-day operations of supply chain professionals globally, we quickly lose sight of the potential supply chain risks tech adds to the equation.As stated in the,Best Practices in Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management Conference Materials,published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),“Cybersecurity is never just a technology problem, it’s a people, processes and knowledge problem.”The more individuals involved in the process of digitally enhanced supply chain activities, the more that cyber-based system has opened itself up to potential for cyber security risks.And, it’s not just the individuals in your internal supply chain management teams. It’s vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, delivery specialists, retailers, traders, and the list goes on. From c-suite executives to on-the-floor cashiers, the interconnectivity of supply chain technology involves many individuals from all over the world; bearing different backgrounds, different levels of technological ability, different competencies, and different aspirations.In a recent article by Digtial Guardian, interviews of 23 information security experts were compiled to provide their tips and suggestions for avoiding cyber supply chain risks across business, suppliers and third parties.Compliance and Governance of suppliers, vendors, third-party actors, partners, traders, manufacturers and contractors. Christopher Roach, the managing Director and National IT Practice Leader at CBIZ suggests to continuously assess risks of actors involved in the sharing of cyber-based information, hold all parties to a clear standard level and prepare incident response plans accordingly (digitalgaurdian 2017). Developing security levels is highly dependent on building foundations of trust and transparency. This is developed by collaboration, training and the acceptance of the compliance hierarchy- involving actions such as, supplier auditing and supplier evaluation.Presence of Robust IT security solutions internally is a method of “establishing clear and limited access guidelines for supply chain vendors are a company’s greatest defense against cyber attack. Ensuring these defense mechanisms are in place and continually monitored is critical to the protection of both business and vendor data and continued productivity.” As best put by Daniel Cohn (digitalgaurdian 2017).Certification of International Standards is probably one of the often-overlooked elements of ensuring cyber security in business operations. Achieving and bearing certifications of ISO standards such as ISO 27001 represents a level of competency, and provides a point-of-reference for the proper handling of information security. ISO certifications and standards are, however, guidelines for conducting management systems. Adoption of ISO standards must be treated with a level of relevancy, flexibility and agility.文章來源:https://medium.com

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